Category: Featured

5 Ways to Embrace the Uncertain Path of a Heroic Entrepreneur

By Pamela Wilson

how to become the hero of your story

Humanity has lived through many uncertain periods in our collective history.

Economic instability, institutional racism, war, famine, environmental disasters, slavery, abject poverty, disease, physical and mental abuse — we’ve seen it all, and we’re still here to tell the tale.

We’re a resilient bunch, it turns out.

The good news? Some of our most game-changing inventions and ideas were born during uncertain times.

We choose the entrepreneur’s life because we actually prefer uncertainty to boring, repetitive, predictable certainty.

Still though … you may feel like your entrepreneurial can-do approach to life and business is being tested right now. (If so — welcome to …read more      

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How the Author of ‘The Bestseller Code’ Jodie Archer Writes: Part Two

By Kelton Reid


Literary scholar, publishing consultant, and co-author of the critically acclaimed book The Bestseller Code, Jodie Archer dropped by to chat with me about her journey, the coming revolution in publishing, and the insecurities that all writers face.

Before earning her PhD from Stanford, Ms. Archer studied English at Cambridge, worked in both journalism and TV, and became an acquisitions editor for Penguin UK publishing.

While at Stanford, Jodie taught nonfiction and memoir writing, and researched both contemporary fiction and bestsellers. Upon completion of her doctoral work, she was recruited by Apple, where she was the lead in research on books.

Her book, The …read more      

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Have You Already Missed the Podcasting Gold Rush?

By Sonia Simone


Is it too late to start a podcast? Should we all just shut up and listen quietly, rather than launching something that isn’t great?

So, Ryan Holiday published a post, and it got a lot of attention. Ryan is excellent at getting attention, and he details some of his most effective techniques in his book, Trust Me, I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator.

Ryan is undeniably smart. But I have some serious issues with his post.

In this 20-minute episode, I talk about:

  • Whether it’s actually a bad idea to try something because “everyone is doing it”
  • Why the search for an “original” format …read more      
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Struggling to Write for Technical Experts? Try These 3 Powerful Content Marketing Practices

By Kyle Fiehler

tips for top-notch technical content

Engineers and other technical experts take to the web to educate themselves on their options now more than ever before.

When sifting through online content, engineers and other experts in their fields want facts, not a hard sell. They’re conducting serious research.

In fact, according to a study by CEB in partnership with Google, 57 percent of the B2B purchasing process has been completed by the time someone contacts a salesperson.

So, as content marketers, we need to give them the information they need to make smart purchasing decisions. But engineers have already studied for years to accrue their subject …read more      

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Why Trusting Your Instincts Can Lead You to Your Passion

By Brian Clark & Jerod Morris


This week’s guest is obsessed. She has a burning passion for creating freedom not only in her own life but also in the lives of others. She is Raubi Perilli, and she is a Digital Entrepreneur.

In this 32-minute episode, Raubi walks you through her story as a digital entrepreneur:

  • Why she learned to trust her instincts after a particularly challenging experience with a client
  • How she was able to find a balance between client work and creating digital products
  • Why seeing clients excited to receive the work they’ve paid her for gives her the most satisfaction in her business
  • How Raubi plans to keep …read more      
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