Category: Featured

The Real Reasons Your Social Media Marketing Has Bombed

By Neil Patel


Social media marketing sounds easy enough.

Post some content on Facebook, send out some tweets, make a few connections on LinkedIn, and sit back and watch the leads pour in.

That’s all there is to it, right?

I used to think that was the case. Of course, that was in the early days of social media. We were all trying to figure out what the heck Twitter was for, let alone how to use it. And leads? We weren’t getting anything worth talking about.

Social media has come a long way since then as have the strategies, tactics, methods, and power associated with social …read more      

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Enjoy Responsibly: It’s Grown-Up Week on Copyblogger

By Sonia Simone

Copyblogger Weekly

Hey there — welcome back to the Copyblogger Weekly!

Not sure why, but we had a kind of “adult” thing going on this week.

Sean Jackson and Jessica Frick kicked off Monday with a podcast about the, er, adult entertainment industry. If that’s a bit racy for you, I really enjoyed The Digital Entrepreneur podcast. Jerod Morris talks with Ed Feng (who’s fantastic; I always enjoy catching up with him at live events) about a pivot in his business to an “over 21” audience.

Really, we needed a podcast about drinking a fifth of Dewar’s to round out this …read more      

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The Book is Launched! Now What?

By Pamela Wilson & Jeff Goins


Despite some challenges surrounding her launch, Pamela’s book has been released into the wild and has garnered positive reviews. What’s next?

Pamela and Jeff convene one last time to look back on where Zero to Book started and discuss the launch and long-term plans for Pamela’s new book on content marketing.

They share insights about how to give your book a long and profitable life. And they discuss why the best marketing tool has been Pamela’s book itself (and how you can use your book’s content during a book launch).

In this final episode Jeff Goins and Pamela Wilson discuss:

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It’s Your Duty to Design the Life You Want, with David Kadavy

By Brian Clark


Many people go out on their own in pursuit of the perfect lifestyle. Of course, “perfect” is entirely subjective.

Maybe it’s to become a digital nomad and travel the world. For others, it’s the freedom to work from home and be closer to family. And still others are chasing audacious goals and world domination.

All is well and good until you find that your business is now running you instead of the other way around. It happens all too often, and all too easily.

Today’s episode is all about refocusing on your priorities and getting back on the path to your perfect life. …read more      

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33 Writing Tweaks That Will Turn You into a Copywriting Master

By Neil Patel


Can I make a confession?

When I started writing, I was no Shakespeare. I wasn’t even a Hemingway.

In fact, I was downright awful.

Like many of you, I didn’t get any kind of degree in writing. I didn’t shine in high school English. I never entertained dreams of being a best-selling author.

And my first few posts online proved it.

But over time, I started realizing how important writing is in business. (Spoiler alert: it’s super important.)

So I studied, practiced a lot, and got better. I’m still no Shakespeare, but I’ve learned a lot about writing.

Writing isn’t a talent—it’s a skill. A skill you …read more      

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