Category: Featured

How to Write 16 Knockout Articles When You Only Have One Wimpy Idea

By Stefanie Flaxman

How to Write 16 Knockout Articles When You Only Have One Wimpy Idea

Serious content creators know that each article they publish is a piece of a larger content marketing arena.

But the thought of generating content ideas on a regular basis often knocks us out before the opening bell even rings.

It can be difficult to consistently write exceptional content that encourages visitors to stick around and learn about your unique selling proposition.

For example, let’s pretend you’re the marketing director for a store that makes and sells boxing equipment. You need to convey the passion, care, and expertise your company puts into creating its specialized gear, but the problem is …read more      

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How Bestselling Sci-fi Thriller Author Blake Crouch Writes: Part Two

By Kelton Reid


International bestselling sci-fi and thriller novelist and screenwriter, Blake Crouch, took time out from his busy schedule to talk to me about his mind-bending new book Dark Matter and adapting his work for both film and TV.

The hybrid author has penned more than a dozen novels that have been translated into more than 30 languages, and his short fiction has appeared in numerous publications.

In addition to having his Wayward Pines trilogy adapted into a #1 hit TV show by FOX, Blake wrote the screenplay for his latest novel, Dark Matter, for Sony Pictures. He also recently co-created Good Behavior, a …read more      

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5 Quick Wins for Content Marketers

By Sonia Simone


Content marketing is a long game … but that doesn’t mean we can’t create some quick wins.

Strategic content marketing is all about long-term results — but there’s actually a lot you can do to create some momentum right away.

In this 19-minute episode, Sonia talks about:

  • The fastest way I know to create lots and lots of short, valuable, audience-friendly blog posts
  • Leveraging your contact list for some quick, high-value content
  • The technique I swiped from Seth Godin for creating juicy, engaging content from your everyday life
  • An efficient (and fun) process to improve a skill as quickly as possible
  • An ultra simple framework to use …read more      
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3 Eye-Opening Techniques to Wake Up Your Readers with Your First Sentence

By Sean D’Souza

grab attention from the start

“I was only four years old when I saw my mother load up a washing machine for the very first time in her life …”

That is global health and data expert Hans Rosling’s opening line of a 2010 TED Talk, as he stands on stage with a bundle of laundry and a washing machine. Rosling does what the best presenters in the world excel at; in a matter of seconds, they get and keep your attention.

When you write content, your job is similar to someone standing on stage. Your readers are distracted and you have …read more      

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How One Successful Digital Entrepreneur Stays Entertained by Her Business

By Brian Clark & Jerod Morris


Sarah Morgan may rub some people the wrong way with her dedication to naps, her casual approach to online interaction, and the occasional curse word in an email. But make no mistake: she’s serious, works hard, and has found a way to create a lucrative digital business that keeps her, above all, entertained.

In this 30-minute episode, Sarah and I discuss:

  • How she went from corporate job and circus performer to thriving digital entrepreneur
  • Why she won’t apologize for cursing, naps, or walking her dear old dog
  • The joy she felt in the moment when she realized she was making more as a digital …read more      
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