Category: Featured

The Anatomy of Virality: How to Engineer the Perfect Viral Blog Article

By Neil Patel


You hear the term viral all the time.

I’m regularly reading Internet content that has “gone viral” or watching the latest viral video post. I research virality, and I read articles about content virality.

Virality is a big deal. If you think about it, viral content is what shapes our culture.

The idea of viral content has become rooted in Internet culture. It’s obviously something that most bloggers and marketers strive to achieve with their content.

Viral content can come in many forms and mean different things to different people.

For example, by some standards, I’ve written several “viral” articles—articles that were viewed …read more      

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[Last Day] Get in Digital Commerce Academy Before Doors Close

By Jerod Morris

[Last Day] Get in Digital Commerce Academy Before Doors Close

One final note to let you know that the doors close to Digital Commerce Academy later today at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

We’ll reopen to new members in 2017, and when we do, the annual price will be $400 higher than it is right now.

So start your Academy membership today — because the low price you lock in now will be the price you pay for the lifetime of your account, no matter how much we raise it in the future.

Find out what your DCA membership will include and get started today.

Then our proven practitioners of digital …read more      

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Ready to Sell Your Products or Services? We’re Here to Help

By Sonia Simone

copyblogger weekly

Hey there — welcome back to the Copyblogger Weekly!

So, I’ve been known to lean a bit toward the “kumbaya” side of content marketing. (“Kumbaya” meaning, “Let’s all join hands and sing songs about our feelings!”)

But I have bills to pay, just like you do. Selling is an integral and important part of business. And content marketing is as much about marketing as it is about connection.

This week, we’ve got some content to help you unapologetically, effectively — maybe even joyfully — sell some stuff.

On Tuesday, I was tickled to see Beth Hayden riffing on a presentation …read more      

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Cool-Headed Advice for Keeping It Together Just Before Your Book Launch

By Pamela Wilson & Jeff Goins


Having a powerful launch is important, but it isn’t everything. “The biggest danger to an author,” says Jeff Goins, “is spending all their energy on a launch.”

Publishing your book is the first step in a long game. A published book isn’t urgent, so authors need to get out there, start banging the drum, and keep on banging it for a long time post-launch.

The trait that separates authors who succeed at getting their books in front of their intended audiences, and those who do not, comes down to perseverance.

In this episode Jeff Goins and Pamela Wilson discuss:

  • Jeff’s last-minute, pre-launch mindset …read more      
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Understanding the Brain Science Behind Effective Persuasion, with Roger Dooley

By Brian Clark


The ancient Greeks — notably Aristotle — used anecdotal observation to nail much of what we know about persuasion. The fundamentals of the art haven’t changed much in 2,300 years, because human nature hasn’t changed, even as the context in which we operate has changed dramatically.

In the 20th century, social psychology took the ancient principles of rhetoric and proved them correct in controlled experiments. The work of Dr.Robert Cialdini in particular helped prove the power of authority, social proof, scarcity, and other fundamental aspects of influence.

Now, we have neuroscience. Brain imaging allows us to go beyond observing human response alone, …read more      

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