Category: Featured

Building Your Virtual Team with Jess Ostroff

By Brian Clark


As the leader of a virtual company of more than 65 people located around the world, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Of course, I had a lot of help from my partners getting to this point over the last six years.

Nowadays, you have publications like the Harvard Business Review talking about virtual teams and the “post-geographic” office as the next big challenge for enterprise management. Virtual reality technology holds the promise of eliminating the need for a centralized real estate presence.

For solopreneurs and growing small businesses, the acceptance of the concept doesn’t make finding and managing the right …read more      

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Jerod Morris on This Old New Business with Jeff Korhan

By Caroline Early


Jerod Morris chats with Jeff Korhan on This Old New Business about the importance of audience engagement and what an “audience of one” means for content marketers.

In this 37-minute episode, Jerod and Jeff discuss:

  • Jerod’s top audience engagement tip
  • Understanding your audience
  • Why you should trust the fundamentals of audience engagement

Listen to this Episode Now

The post Jerod Morris on This Old New Business with Jeff Korhan appeared first on Copyblogger.

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You Are Not Allowed

By Sean Jackson


In this new podcast on Rainmaker FM, you’ll learn how to use one of the most powerful — and counterintuitive — online marketing techniques to increase your online sales.

It is natural for online marketers to do whatever they can to increase the reach of their audience. It makes sense: the larger your audience, the more sales you make, right?

But what if there was a different way to increase your online sales, without trying to appeal to the masses? Sound impossible? Not really.

This new podcast goes in-depth on the insights, ideas, tactics, and strategies that will make a significant impact in …read more      

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This Is How You Become a Writer

By Stefanie Flaxman

practical tips for practicing your writing

Stop. I see you, mid-eye-roll. I know you’re aware that you need to write regularly if you want to become a writer.

You might aim to write something every day, even if you don’t publish it anywhere. There’s no substitute for that type of practice. It’s that valuable.

But what do you write about if you don’t have any thoughts to express?

Some of you may now be talking out loud to your web browser to offer a rebuttal to that question, so I’m going to stop you again.

It was a trick question. If you’re a writer, there is always something …read more      

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The Best of The Writer Files: Volume One

By Kelton Reid


Before kicking off the next season of the show, we wanted to share with you some highlights from our previous seasons.

I don’t want to shortchange the most recent interviews with inspiring guests including Jay McInerney (’80s defining author of Bright Lights, Big City), Stephanie Danler (the bestselling author of Sweetbitter), the co-founder of Wired magazine Kevin Kelly, or How Neuroscientist Michael Grybko Defined Writer’s Block for us.

But I do want to dig into the archives with you and pull out a few of my favorites from a handful of the other 40 …read more      

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