Category: Featured

Marinate in the Problem Space, with Chris Lema

By Jon Nastor


My guest today is a daily blogger, public speaker, and product strategist.

Over the last twenty-five years, he has been leading teams of people, mostly through telling stories and motivating companies to bring products to market.

He’s been the founder, CTO, and advisor to numerous companies, and he loves to marinate in what he refers to as the problem space.

Now, let’s hack …

Chris Lema.

Listen to this Episode Now

The post Marinate in the Problem Space, with Chris Lema appeared first on Copyblogger.

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Feed the Content Monster with the Help of a Closed-Circle Content Loop

By John Jantsch

keep your content in circulation

If there is one thing search engines love more than anything, it is fresh content — and algorithms continue to get better at finding and ranking it by the minute.

But what content marketer has enough time to dedicate to feeding the content monster all day, every day?

To keep up with search engines and still preserve your time, you have to create a closed-circle content loop for your content marketing strategy. Let’s look at how to do that.

What is a closed-circle content loop?

A closed-circle content loop is an inbound content system that focuses on both the atomization of …read more      

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How to Handle Demographic and Psychographic Segmentation (without Looking Like an Idiot)

By Sonia Simone


A common newbie marketing mistake is trying to talk to everyone. There are all kinds of buzzwords around speaking to a specific audience — segmentation, demographics, psychographics, generational marketing. Today Sonia talks about a few pitfalls and best practices.

Last week the New York Times ran a funny little piece about the Baby Boomers being The Next Hot Market to sell to. It sparked some thoughts on how (and why) we divide our markets into segments, the perils of trying to speak to everyone with the same message, and some of the dangerous curves on the road to segmentation.

In …read more      

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Sean McCabe’s Tried-and-True Techniques for Getting More Meaningful Work Done

By Brian Clark & Jerod Morris


This week’s guest on The Digital Entrepreneur is motivated. And he’s not just motivated to achieve his own goals, he’s motivated to help others achieve theirs as well. He’s uncovered two big secrets to getting more of the right things done. One is putting his back up against the wall. The other takes place every night …

In this 35-minute episode, Sean McCabe and I discuss:

  • The two biggest benefits he derives from being a digital entrepreneur
  • How he wrote a book in a month
  • How an interest in hand-lettering led to the burgeoning online empire he now oversees
  • The essential lesson he learned from …read more      
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The Only Checklist You Need for Launching Your Startup’s Website

By Neil Patel


Ah, website launches.

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, they are something every business needs to do.

I’ve been through a ton of website launches, so it’s kind of a ho-hum process now.

But even if I go into a website launch with a nonchalant attitude, something usually happens—something unexpected.

  • In one website launch, the webmaster forgot to turn off the disallow on the robots.txt
  • In another website redesign, the developers forgot to add the subdomain to 200k pages.
  • In another website redesign, the developers accidentally used the wrong footer for all 1.1m pages.

I could go on and on.

Here’s the thing—website launches are important. And more often …read more      

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