Category: Featured

Are You Fascinating Enough to Be a Content Marketer?

By Pamela Wilson


If you work closely with someone with bright pink hair, you might begin to question whether you are interesting enough to contribute your thoughts to the topic at hand.

Followings on the internet are built on memorability, right?

I mean, if you don’t give high-energy talks like Gary Vaynerchuk, dress on-brand like Mari Smith, or sport a high-voltage cranium like Michael Port, how will people know you exist?

Not that I’ve ever had any of those thoughts. 😉

Is having an indelible personal brand a requirement for content marketing success? If …read more      

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12 Tips for Making More Engaging Video for Facebook Live

By Neil Patel

As a marketer, I’m sure that you know how important it is to create a connection with your audience.

It’s essential for slashing through the barriers that divide us, for establishing a unique brand identity and for building trust.

There have been times I’ve been successful in doing so. And then other times, I’ve totally fallen flat.

It’s getting easier than ever to create an unique connection, because we now have the technological tools to do so.

One of the best tools that enable you to do this is Facebook Live, which “lets people, public figures and Pages share live video with …read more      

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How to Pimp Out Your Facebook Ads for Maximum Conversions

By Neil Patel


It’s time to get in touch with your inner gangster.

Don’t worry. There’s nothing illegal or dangerous going on here unless you think that making sky-high revenue from Facebook is illegal or dangerous.

In this article, I am going to lay out a simple and effective method for pimping out your Facebook ads to maximize conversions.

I’ll teach you how to turn your ads into an online bouncer who will not let a single customer leave their Facebook page without clicking on your ads.

No more Facebook followers glossing over your ads in favor of viral cat videos.

No more conversion rates so …read more      

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[Join Today] The Price of Authority Is about to Go Up

By Pamela Wilson


A quick message today.

I’ve got two compelling reasons why today is the perfect day to join our Authority advanced content marketing training program (before the price goes up tonight).

Reason #1: Brand-new courses are coming this fall

Did you get a minute to take a look at the Copyblogger Authority Plan yet?

You can click the image to the right to download and read it — no opt-in required.

The Copyblogger Authority Plan spells out the new courses we’re creating for members. And they’re going to be super useful and helpful.

These will be self-study, learn-as-you-have-time courses.

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Why Open-Source-Based Communities Are So Powerful

By Brian Gardner & Lauren Mancke


On this week’s episode, we’re joined by Carrie Dils. Carrie has been around the Genesis community for a number of years. She’s a WordPress developer, consultant, speaker, and teacher.

She loves sharing what she’s learned with others to help them be more successful in their businesses. She hosts a weekly WordPress podcast at and is a course instructor for

In this 29-minute episode Brian Gardner, Lauren Mancke, and Carrie Dils discuss:

  • What open-source means
  • How open-source projects can be attractive to developers
  • The pros and cons of open-source
  • Using helpfulness to build authority
  • The benefits of an open-source ecosystem
  • The expansion of the Office Hours podcast

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