Category: Featured

The Most Powerful Way to Persuade

By Jerod Morris

connect and persuade with emotional stories

He’d been on the job just two short weeks.

Two weeks at the most prestigious publication in his industry, and he was already on the brink of bringing The Entire Machine to a halt. With a thud, not a screech.

With a Wednesday article deadline looming, on Monday morning he had nothing but the few beads of sweat forming on his brow. Those were something at least, so he didn’t wipe them away.

He procrastinated. He hopped from link to link, half-reading in between his worries … a mere 29 minutes from the conference call where he’d be asked by the …read more      

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How to Create Courses to Monetize Your Brand, with David Siteman Garland

By Chris Ducker


In this episode of Youpreneur FM, Chris Ducker sits down with mediapreneur David Siteman Garland to talk about online course creation.

With the rise of content marketing in the last few years, the amount of information you can find online has been growing exponentially. You no longer have to pay for most information — it’s available for free, and it’s only a few clicks away.

So, does this mean that selling info-products is dead? Not at all. The key is finding very specific problems that your audience has and offering specific solutions. The concept of selling access instead of just information is …read more      

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How to Get Powerful Reviews that Sell More Books

By Pamela Wilson & Jeff Goins


Reviews can make or break your book sales. Here’s how to get reviews lined up before you launch your book.

There’s nothing sadder than a book sales page with no reviews.

Book reviews help your potential buyers decide if your book will have what they need. Few reviews = meager sales = few reviews. How can you avoid this vicious circle?

In this episode, Jeff talks about how to assemble a “launch team” of people who will review your book and help spread the word as the launch approaches.

Bonus! This episode covers why you might want to read your own work if …read more      

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The Stoic Entrepreneur with Ryan Holiday

By Brian Clark


We’re all familiar with the stereotyping of Millennials. Like my own once-denigrated Generation X, “these kids today” are lazy and entitled, right?

From my experience with the young people I know and work with, I’m not buying it. And even if there’s some truth to the generalization, a guy like Ryan Holiday blows that perception right out of the water.

This college dropout has accomplished more before the age of 30 than most people accomplish in their entire lives. Ryan is the author of four books, runs his own PR agency, is Editor-at-Large of the New York Observer’s technology and business section, …read more      

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Connection Steps that Lead to Customers

By Sonia Simone

building the content path

Once upon a time, there used to be a division in how people saw the web.

(Way back in 2009, I wrote a blog post about this, calling the two points of view “the cool kids” and “the internet marketers.”)

That division drew a line between online communication that intended to connect and online communication that intended to persuade.

And that distinction was, of course, completely bogus.

As it happens, Brian Clark, Copyblogger’s founder, was an early heretic trying to show people that there was no difference between connection and persuasion.

Connection and persuasion belong together — because they work better together, and because it’s …read more      

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