Category: Featured

How to Craft a Marketing Story that People Embrace and Share

By Brian Clark

how to create a memorable marketing story

You’re telling a story.

Whether you know it or not, or intend to or not … you absolutely are.

Everything you do to market your business is another paragraph, page, or chapter in the story people hear from you. And the story people hear is the one they act (or don’t act) on, and repeat (or don’t repeat) to others.

Now, it’s not necessarily fatal if you’re not aware you’re telling a story, and you’ll never completely control your story anyway. But purposeful storytelling is the mark of the great novelist, screenwriter, and playwright — and purposeful marketing stories are a sure sign …read more      

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Quantifying the ‘YouEconomy,’ with Shelby and Josh from Success Magazine

By Chris Ducker


In this episode, we focus in on something that a lot of entrepreneurs go through: entrepreneurial self-doubt. Many budding entrepreneurs find themselves asking the question, “Is this right for me?”

So, today Chris dives into his personal strategy for when he faces doubts, how small goals can help you boost confidence, and so much more.

The signs are there that the business landscape has shifted once again as more and more people seem to be leaving their 9-to-5 jobs and building their own businesses based on their passions.

On today’s show, Josh and Shelby of Success magazine join me as we talk about …read more      

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How to Make Yourself Write an Entire Blog Article Every Single Day

By Neil Patel


Blogging is an essential part of my business, and I can tell you firsthand how difficult it can be.

Believe me. I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years.

Everyone recommends a blog to gain traffic, but maintaining consistent blogging is difficult.

Here’s what happens.

You get all jazzed up about starting a blog. You rush out the gates with reckless abandon, writing on familiar to you topics with energy and verve.

A few weeks go by, and nice things happen to your website traffic and conversions.

And then you start to realize that writing is hard work.

Wow. It’s freaking hard work.

And so …read more      

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How to Supercharge Your Online Authority an Hour at a Time

By Pamela Wilson

Authority plan

Here at Copyblogger, we don’t espouse the “get rich quick” message that’s so prevalent in online business circles.

If anything, our message has always been:

“Let us show you how to work hard on the right things so you can see results over time.”

Not too sexy, right?

That’s OK. We’re not aiming for a catchy tagline — we’re aiming to get you real results.

We’ve found that when you build your online presence slowly and carefully, you create a long-lasting asset — an audience of people who want to hear from you, who need your help, and who trust you implicitly.

Cultivating lasting attention and …read more      

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3 Questions that Can Haunt Creative Professionals

By Sonia Simone


Sonia’s back on the podcast this week with suggestions on how to address three challenges that pop up often in our communities.

When we’re talking with creative professionals, and content marketers in particular, we’ve noticed certain challenges that come up again and again.

In this 22-minute episode, Sonia Simone is back on Copyblogger FM to talk about:

  • The “cobbler’s children have no shoes” syndrome and finding the time to work on your own site
  • How to know when it’s time to raise your rates
  • Why it can be tough to get onto your own professional calendar
  • The often-overlooked social media marketing technique that gets new sites …read more      
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