Category: Featured

Focus on What Needs to Happen

By Jon Nastor


My guest today is a speaker, guerrilla marketer, and an entrepreneur.

He founded and ScreenRobot. These two sites combined have received nearly 20 million page views without any paid marketing.

He is currently the founder of Magnific, a company that helps grow early-stage companies through a combination of rapid social media growth, guerrilla community management tactics, and growth hacks.

Magnific also beat out more than 1,500 other startups to be accepted into the prestigious accelerator TechStars London.

Now, let’s hack …

Vincent Dignan.

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Up for the Challenge? Try This Unusual Method to Help Achieve Your Business Goals

By Beth Hayden

gather your community around a fun event

Jadah Sellner and Jen Hansard, two moms who co-founded a business called Simple Green Smoothies, added 28,000 people to their email list in 2013. These days, they have an active, engaged list of more than 385,000 people.

My first reaction when I heard those numbers was, “WOW.”

Want to know what propelled their accelerated list growth?

Four times a year, Jadah and Jen host 30-Day Green Smoothie Challenges. People who are interested sign up for the challenge and pledge to drink one green smoothie every day for 30 days. During the challenge, Jadah and Jen send weekly emails that include …read more      

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The Business of Food Blogging: Is It Lucrative?

By Brian Gardner & Lauren Mancke


On this week’s episode, we’re joined by Shay Bocks of Feast Design Company. Shay started hustlin’ in 2008 to connect her creative gifts and ravenous curiosity with the ambition of creative entrepreneurs. Nowadays, that dream has manifested into a full-time operation serving other dreamers just like herself.

Within the Genesis community, Shay is best known for her Foodie Pro theme, one that has continually been the best-selling theme on StudioPress. She followed that up with a theme called Brunch Pro and will soon be releasing a third food blogging theme called Cook’d Pro.

In this 31-minute episode Brian Gardner, Lauren Mancke, and …read more      

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Announcement: The Last Episode of The Missing Link (and Just the Beginning)

By Jabez LeBret


The Missing Link is announcing a major change to the show …

You won’t want to miss this episode where Sean Jackson and Jabez LeBret announce the latest change to The Missing Link Podcast. You’re going to love it and we’re super excited about where The Missing Link is headed!

Listen in as Sean and Jabez go step by step through the strategies and ideas that led our show and group to today. You’ll understand the power of exclusivity, how to decide if a group is right for you and your business, and why different media outlets are so important.

In …read more      

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8 Incredibly Simple Ways to Get More People to Read Your Content

By Pamela Wilson

small tweaks to get more attention

Your precious words. You know they’ve got to be right to attract the audience you want.

You’ve slaved over them, carefully crafting each phrase. You finally hit “publish,” and what happens?

Nobody reads them. No comments, no tweets, no sharing on Facebook.

It’s enough to send a writer into deep depression and wipe out motivation to keep producing great content.

Think you need to spend another 10,000 hours perfecting your writing skills? Probably not.

Actually, the solution may be a lot easier than you expect. Writing less and styling your text so it’s easy to read could be all you …read more      

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