Category: Featured

Rainmaker Rewind: The Power of Being an Unmistakably Creative Entrepreneur, with Srinivas Rao

By Caroline Early

Rainmaker FM rewind

This week on Rewind, Chris Ducker welcomes creative entrepreneur Srinivas Rao to Youpreneur to chat about the importance of thinking outside of the box and differentiating yourself in your industry.

They also share their tips on setting yourself apart and explore the value of audience participation and feedback when it comes to developing or shifting your brand.

And, as always, be sure to check out the other great episodes that recently aired on Rainmaker FM.

  1. Youpreneur. Chris Ducker and Srinivas Rao discuss standing out in a crowded space and the importance of being creative: The …read more      
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The Must-Have Social Media Tool Every Content Marketer Needs

By Sonia Simone

Are You Using This Powerful Social Media Tool Yet?

What if we told you about an ultra powerful, infinitely flexible social media tool that allows you to publish business-building content — text, audio, or video — without holding you to any arbitrary rules?

It’s a tool that fixes everything that’s broken about the existing social media sites, new and old.

It gives you an astonishing degree of freedom — to say what you want, the way you want to say it, and in the format that works best for you.

With this tool, no one can ever tell you your content is “overly commercial” or flag an image as “possibly …read more      

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4 Free Digital Marketing Opportunities Most Marketers Are Missing

By Neil Patel


Digital marketing.

To some, it’s merely another fancy buzzword. To others, it’s the backbone of their entire business.

In my life, digital marketing is almost everything I do.

For most entrepreneurs, however, it is a highly underutilized and misunderstood tool.

Most people think digital marketing has to be an expensive endeavor that takes thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to see any success with.

This is simply not the case.

There are a number of free tools and opportunities within digital marketing that most entrepreneurs are missing.

Here are just a few of them to help get you started.

1. Use the power …read more      

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Just Released: A New (Free) Way to Join the StudioPress Community

By Brian Gardner


Want to know the best part of my job?

I have the privilege of gathering a community around our StudioPress products. I have the honor of helping people build businesses based on the products we create.

I didn’t set out for the place where I’ve landed. And yet today, I wouldn’t change a thing.

To be honest, I’m still kind of starry-eyed about the whole thing.

After all, it’s the unexpected events that give our lives meaning. And it’s the movements that grow organically that seem to be the most interesting.

The StudioPress community has been one of the most fascinating organically-grown movements I’ve …read more      

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3 Grim Realities about Online Authority that Will Make You Smile

By Pamela Wilson


You’ve heard the whispers, haven’t you?

“The internet has too much content already. You can’t get anyone’s attention with content marketing anymore.”

I beg to differ.

Sure, the internet is a vast sea of content. And the water level rises every day. But so does the discernment level of the average content consumer (read: all of us).

We’re not satisfied with slapdash information anymore. We won’t waste our time reading if your page looks uninviting. You won’t get our clicks if your headline promises nothing in exchange.

We’re not satisfied with junk content. Our content palates are more sophisticated than they used to be. This …read more      

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