Category: Featured

Rainmaker Rewind: Announcing a Breakthrough Educational Collaboration between Copyblogger and U.C. Davis

By Caroline Early

Rainmaker FM rewind

This week on Rainmaker Rewind, Sonia Simone shares an exciting announcement on Copyblogger FM that you don’t want to miss.

James Garvin of U.C. Davis joins Sonia to chat about the evolution and future of online education, as well as a new collaboration between Copyblogger and U.C. Davis!

And, as always, be sure to check out the other great episodes that recently aired on Rainmaker FM.

  1. Copyblogger FM. Sonia Simone and James Garvin reveal the collaboration between Copyblogger and U.C. Davis and what it means for online education going forward: Announcing: A Breakthrough Educational …read more      
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Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Defined in 60 Seconds [Animated Video]

By Demian Farnworth

content marketing glossary - what are unique selling propositions?

Like David Ogilvy, mid-20th-century ad man Rosser Reeves promoted a hard-sell approach and thought advertising should do one thing: sell.

And sell he did.

Campaigns for Viceroy cigarettes, Carter’s Little Liver Pills, Listerine mouthwash, and Colgate toothpaste boosted sales and put these brands on the map.

His goal was to get customers to recognize a specific brand proposition — what has become known as a unique selling proposition (USP).

But what exactly is a unique selling proposition? And why is it so important?

Watch our 60-second video about unique selling propositions

With help from our friends at The Draw Shop, we whipped …read more      

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I Need Your Help…

By Neil Patel


Do you know what my greatest accomplishment to date is?

I’ve been blogging for almost 10 years and spoke at hundreds of conferences. I’ve built a nice size following on social media, and I’ve even made a healthy income doing all of this. But that isn’t what I am most proud of.

What I am most proud of is helping other people. From helping people generate more traffic to their sites to helping people accomplish their dreams and even showing a mom how she can make money from her bed-and-breakfast so she could support her family—helping others is my greatest accomplishment.

In the …read more      

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A Simple Way Out of Your Precarious Freelance Income Problem

By Pamela Wilson


Freelancing. That’s the life, isn’t it? Total control. Total freedom. Abject terror.

Don’t get me wrong. There’s a lot to be said for the freelance life. You’re in charge of your own time. You pick and choose the projects you’ll take on. You select your clients.

When it’s all working the way it’s supposed to, that is.

When you’re not breaking into a sweat as you open your checking account statement. When you’re not wondering how you’ll pay next month’s rent. When you’re not thinking, “Maybe a job with a salary wouldn’t be so bad …”

There’s a simple solution, though. One that will …read more      

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A 30-Day Master Plan for Marketing Your Brick-and-Mortar Business

By Neil Patel


Many small business owners today think that owning a brick-and-mortar business excuses them from having to learn and master digital marketing.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, mastering SEO and local optimization for your locally run business will bring a higher ROI than just about any other marketing activity you use.

It’s one of the quickest ways to quickly and simply (notice I did not say easily) get your business in front of thousands of new eyes and earn customers for life. With a few simple steps, you can set yourself on the path to long term digital marketing success.

But …read more      

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