Category: Featured

Podcasting Defined in 60 Seconds [Animated Video]

By Demian Farnworth

content marketing glossary - what is podcasting?

Perhaps you’ve reached a stage in your business where you are ready to do something new.

You have a story to tell or education to share, but you’d like to do more than just writing. Or, you may feel that your audience isn’t growing as quickly anymore.

If you relate to any of those scenarios, then you might want to consider launching a podcast.

But what exactly is podcasting?

Watch our short, fun video about podcasting

With help from our friends at The Draw Shop, we whipped up 12 definitions from our new Content Marketing Glossary into …read more      

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11 Methods That Will Make Your Content Marketing Campaign Go Viral

By Neil Patel


Have you ever wondered how some bloggers and online entrepreneurs manage to crank out tons and tons of useful and exciting new content on a daily basis, and others…

…well, others can’t even crank out one useful piece of content a month!

And don’t even get me started on marketing it.

There are a number of bloggers who actually can write AMAZING content, but they are clueless marketers and can’t get any of it to go viral.

If you have struggled with any of the issues mentioned above, it’s okay: you are not alone, and there is nothing wrong with …read more      

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5 Lessons Learned from a SaaS Home Run

By Sonia Simone

laura roeder - a customer-first approach to software

Laura Roeder is known for putting together agile companies that put the customer first — including her current hit, Edgar, a SaaS (software as a service) product that hit a million dollars in revenue in its first year in business.

She excels at “keeping it simple” — maybe because she ran ultra-successful online education companies for five years. She turned around and put those lessons into a software business — and she’s crushing it.

Laura leapt out on her own as a freelancer at 22, without giving it a lot of thought. As she laughingly put it in her Unemployable …read more      

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Cracking the Abundance Code: Sonia’s in a New Documentary!

By Sonia Simone

live an abundant life

Some people believe in a magical “secret” that will grant them anything so long as they wish hard enough.

I do not believe in this.

But I do know that good luck is partly a matter of perception — and it can be optimized.

My friend Julie Cairns has filmed a new documentary about business, mindset, self-reliance, and — yes — abundance, and it’s called The Abundance Code. And I’m in the film!

Many months ago, Julie and I sat down together (virtually … she lives thousands of miles from me, in Australia) and talked for about six hours about living …read more      

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How to Combine Lead Magnets and Ads to Jump-start an Online Training Business

By Pamela Wilson

hero's journey - thriving in a changing marketplace

Debbie Hodge has a healthy dose of that crucial trait all successful entrepreneurs seem to have — adaptability.

When she saw that the magazine business was tanking, she realized she needed to find a new venue for her information, so she moved her teaching online.

And when she saw everyone in her space was teaching her topic using how-to tutorials, she decided to take a different approach and focus on storytelling and design.

Business has been good.

It has been so good that she’s now made the ultimate “meta” move: she’s teaching others to do what she herself has learned in recent …read more      

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