Category: Featured

The Content Junkyard (and Why So Many Articles Fail)

By Sean D’Souza

keep your ideas alive

On May 22, 1919, a New York hotel owner named Raymond Orteig announced a prize.

The Orteig Prize, as it came to be known, was the whopping sum of $25,000 (about $340,000 in 2015). It was to be given to the first allied aviators who flew nonstop from New York to Paris or vice versa.

Six aviators died in the pursuit of that prize.

Then an American air mail pilot named Charles Lindbergh took up the challenge. On May 20, 1927, he took off from Roosevelt Field in New York and landed in Paris 33.5 hours later. Many before him had tried …read more      

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The Ultimate Guide to Using Google Search Console as a Powerful SEO Tool

By Neil Patel


Every SEO, webmaster, and digital marketer has a powerful tool at their disposal.

I would go so far as to say that this tool is a must-have. You can’t do SEO without it.

What is this powerful tool?

It’s Google Search Console, or GSC for short (former Google Webmaster Tools, or GWT).

GSC is a free service provided by Google to manage your website’s search functionality. The search console is a collection of reports and tools that help you rectify errors as well as strategize and optimize your search engine rankings.

I want to show you exactly how you can use …read more      

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What It’s Really Like to Start an Ultra-Successful Company: Meet Moz’s Rand Fishkin

By Sonia Simone

rand fishkin - build a business on a foundation of core values

Rand Fishkin is known for founding an incredibly successful company — while keeping an unwavering commitment to his core values.

You may have noticed, if you look around at the general business landscape, that a lot of successful founders are a bit cocky. They tend to overestimate the role of their own genius in their success — and underestimate the hard work of their teams and the luck that went into that success.

(And no, for the curious, I’m not counting Rainmaker Digital founder Brian Clark in that group.) ?

Rand Fishkin isn’t like most founders.

For example, founders of …read more      

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21 Juicy Prompts that Inspire Fascinating Content

By Sally Hogshead

fresh-squeezed content ideas

Creativity is a fickle mistress. Especially when creating content.

Sometimes, the words flow as fast as the coffee. Other times, well, not so much.

It’s easy to create boring content. (Many people do it quite effortlessly.) But if you don’t have a distinctive point of view, you’re just reporting.

Feel stuck when it’s time to crank out captivating content? Need a boost of inspiration for a post, podcast, or speech? I’ve got you covered.

Below, you’ll find 21 juicy prompts for creating fascinating content. Keep this handy list in your content creation arsenal for when you need to whip …read more      

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How to Write 5 or More Articles a Week and Not Burn Out

By Neil Patel

burned out

If you’ve tried (and failed) at blogging, don’t feel bad.

You’re not alone. Creating content, especially good content, is hard work. It takes a long time. Most of the time, you don’t see instant rewards.

So, how do some people write three, five, or even ten articles every week?

You might think that they work 80-hour weeks, are blessed with some genius gene, or have an army of assistants at their beck and call.

The reality is prolific writers are normal people. The difference lies in their habits—habits that have allowed them to repeat a pattern of success every day.

Do you want to …read more      

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