Category: Featured

A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Authenticity and Transparency to Improve Trust

By Neil Patel


Authenticity and transparency are two of the latest marketing buzzwords thrown around.

Just because a word is catchy doesn’t mean it’s meaningless, but it also doesn’t necessarily mean it’s meaningful.

There are plenty of buzzwords that lost their meaning.

But these two are different, I believe, because they represent two aspects of modern marketing that can have a great effect on your results, especially when it comes to content marketing.

Entire blogs have been launched with these two principles as guides for every aspect of those blogs.

Take, for example, Groove’s blog, which I often mention. The transparency and authenticity in their content …read more      

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Cut the Crap and Write Better Now

By Pamela Wilson

eliminate the waste for better writing now

“Composition is a discipline; it forces us to think.

If you want to ‘get in touch with your feelings,’ fine — talk to yourself; we all do.

But, if you want to communicate with another thinking human being, get in touch with your thoughts.

Put them in order; give them a purpose; use them to persuade, to instruct, to discover, to seduce.

The secret way to do this is to write it down and then cut out the confusing parts.”

William Safire

That’s one of the best quotes about the craft of writing that I’ve ever read, particularly that deceptively simple …read more      

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Infographics Defined in 60 Seconds [Animated Video]

By Demian Farnworth

content marketing glossary - what are infographics?

Way back in 2011, Steven Bristol and Allan Branch, a couple of strapping entrepreneurs with in-vogue facial hair, decided to poke fun at infographics — with an infographic.

The title said it all: “Infographs are Ruining the Internet.” (“Infograph” is their terminology used for the purpose of their content.)

Now, the Bristol and Branch infographic simply amounts to amusing facts about infographics — none of which are true.

Here are some fake-fact highlights:

  • 23 percent of infographs cause puppies to cry
  • 67 percent of people who read infographs love them
  • 356 calories are burned in the creation of an infograph

One “fact,” which …read more      

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Is Your Content Good Enough? 6 Questions to Find the Answer

By Neil Patel


What do you think of the content that your competitors publish?

My guess? It’s not great.

It’s easy to judge others, but tough to evaluate ourselves.

I guarantee that all your competitors think the same thing as you, that most content in your niche is junk.

And yet…they believe that theirs is the exception.

No doubt you think your content is pretty good too. Otherwise, why would you publish it?

I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m just pointing out that we all have biases. Of course we’re going to think our own content is good.

The ideal solution would be to hire a professional marketer or editor …read more      

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How to Create Profitable WordPress Themes, Plugins, and More

By Brian Clark

digital commerce academy - 10 days to save big

A business powered by digital products is ideal.

It’s still hard work (naturally), but you don’t have the particular headaches of dealing with clients or shipping physical goods.

If you’re considering building a digital business (or adding to your existing one), the premium WordPress market is definitely something you should consider. WordPress powers more than 25 percent of the websites in the world, and there’s a constant demand for themes, plugins, hosted solutions, and more.

The key to success is avoiding the common mistakes that entrepreneurs commit when entering the WordPress market.

We’ve got the guidance you need over at <a class="colorbox" href="" …read more      

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