Category: Featured

The Content Marketing Continuum: How to Create Content to Meet Customers’ Needs

By Pamela Wilson

how to plan content that meets readers every step of the way

Content marketing can feel like a never-ending ordeal.

At the same time, we know content marketing is good for business.

Which is why we find the courage to approach that unnerving blank page week after week, always wondering what we can possibly write to convince our reader to become a customer.

Sometimes it feels like writing a sales page every day!

If you’re daunted by content marketing, today’s article should relieve some of your stress. You see, every piece of content doesn’t have to seal the deal and make the sale.

There’s a continuum to content marketing and no single article needs to …read more      

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Email Marketing Defined in 60 Seconds [Animated Video]

By Demian Farnworth

content marketing glossary - what is email marketing?

Millennials … you’ve got to love them. Particularly when it comes to their devotion to checking their email.

According to an August 2015 survey on email by Adobe, Millennials are the age group most likely to check their email:

  • From bed (70 percent)
  • From the bathroom (57 percent)
  • While driving (27 percent)

That’s a lot of looking at your email inbox. But the rest of us aren’t far behind.

Kristin Naragon, Director of Email Solutions at Adobe, writes:

“On average, survey respondents report using email six hours a day, or 30+ hours a week.”

So much for social media killing the email star. In other …read more      

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Having Trouble Converting Your SEO Traffic? This Is Probably Why

By Neil Patel


It’s a problem I see all too often…

Marketers learn about SEO tactics and actually do a good job applying them.

Before they know it, their site’s traffic has risen to 3,000 visits a month, then to 10,000, then to 20,000. Along with growing their traffic numbers, these marketers also build up their email lists from this traffic.

They’re excited because they’ve read many stories of entrepreneurs making 5 figures a month from email lists of just a few thousand.

And then, they launch a product and get horrendous conversion rates.

It doesn’t make sense to them—after all, they did everything right, didn’t they? Why …read more      

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Direct from Brazil: Success Secrets of a Digital Entrepreneur

By Pamela Wilson

hero's journey - opening new markets in Latin America

Digital entrepreneurship is never a straight path, right?

The only thing that stays the same is change. Successful entrepreneurs embrace this: they ride the ups and downs, hanging on tight and doing their best to steer in the direction of their dreams.

For those of us with a low tolerance for boredom, the ever-changing challenges keep us on our toes and inspire us to do our best work. It’s exhilarating!

That’s the spirit I see in Daniel Chohfi’s business. Today, he’ll share the highs and lows of his journey so far. I appreciate his transparency because I know we can all relate to …read more      

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How to Write a High-Converting ‘Start Here’ Page

By Beth Hayden

How to Write a High-Converting Start Here Page

I have fallen in love with a travel website.

It’s called CheeseWeb, and it’s a blog dedicated to “slow travel.” Slow travel is staying in one place for longer periods of time while you’re on the road and having full experiences in each place you stay.

When I stumbled upon it, the incredible photos and gorgeous design of the site made my mouth water. As an armchair traveler, it has now become one of my favorite travel sites.

One of the reasons why the site appealed to me during my first visit was CheeseWeb’s amazing “Start Here” page.

The …read more      

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