Category: Featured

Digital Commerce Defined in 60 Seconds [Animated Video]

By Demian Farnworth

content marketing glossary - what is digital commerce?

Here are a couple of startling stats to start your morning:

And let’s not forget that mobile usage is off the charts, podcasts are growing in popularity every day, and software as a service is a new business norm.

This is great news for anyone hoping to build a business around the growing market of digital commerce.

But what exactly is digital commerce?

Watch our short video for digital commerce

With help …read more      

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4 Causes for Search Traffic Plateaus (and How to Fix Them)

By Neil Patel

flat traffic

Every marketer and business owner would love to see a search engine traffic graph that never stops rising.

And if you’re an expert SEO, you can manage that in many cases.

But likely, your search traffic will plateau at some point or another.

Month after month, it’ll stay about the same, rising or dropping an insignificant amount.

Sometimes it is your fault, but sometimes, it may be out of your control—at least initially.

At that point, you have two options:

  1. Find additional sources of organic traffic besides the standard search result listings.
  2. Determine the root cause of your traffic plateau, and take corrective action.

I’d recommend …read more      

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Why Learning to Write Is the Toughest and Best Thing You’ll Do

By Pamela Wilson

why better writing is worth the effort

Trigger warning: I’m about to list some terms that might give you nightmares. Do you remember these?

  • Gerunds
  • Participles
  • Sentence diagrams
  • Split infinitives
  • Absolute modifiers

Just talking about them might cause you to flash back to middle school. You’re sitting in a sweaty classroom, listening to the chalk squeak as your teacher writes the definition for each term on a dusty chalkboard.

You, in the meantime, are mentally calculating how many minutes are left before lunchtime.

Here’s the thing about learning to write: It’s not about the terms above. Yes, you need to be aware of them. But if you think learning to write well …read more      

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4 Trust-Building Steps that Get Your Prospects to Eat Out of Your Hands

By Beth Hayden

attract & engage your best prospects

Are you scaring away your best prospects?

When you’re new to content marketing, you might inadvertently send a frightening message to your potential customers and clients.

Your heart is probably in the right place. You’re trying to provide value and put your best offers in front of people — but your approach might miss the mark.

And that wrong approach might cause terrible conversion rates for your opt-in forms and low sales of your products and services.

Want to know how to stop scaring off your prospects, build trust, and start attracting tons of subscribers and sales?

The key …read more      

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10 Tools That You Need to Use Before You Start Your Next Business

By Neil Patel


Starting a new business takes a ton of work.

Even with your initial passion, it’s never an easy undertaking.

There are a great number of things that you need to research, plan out, get created, etc. before you “launch.”

And you’ll always be wondering, “Did I forget anything?”

What I’ve put together here is a list of great tools that you’ll want to know about, and possibly use, before you start your next business.

They cover the most important and common things you’ll need to address.

These tools will help you do them faster, cheaper, and/or better than you would be able to do otherwise.

Wherever possible, …read more      

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