Category: Featured

3 Resources to Help You Produce Stunning and Persuasive Content

By Stefanie Flaxman

copyblogger collection - beautiful content that sells

Eenie meenie miney mo …

You likely have used the “eenie-meenie-miney-mo method” when making an inconsequential decision.

That’s the opposite of how you should make decisions regarding the look of your content and the message you want to communicate.

Your content needs to be a carefully crafted presentation that is the result of intentional choices.

Those focused presentations, in contrast to the outcome produced by the eenie-meenie-miney-mo methodology, create an experience for your audience members that make them happy to receive your content — and even happier to take the next step and do business with you.

This week’s Copyblogger Collection is a …read more      

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A/B Testing Defined in 60 Seconds [Animated Video]

By Demian Farnworth

content marketing glossary - what is a/b testing?

I remember my first A/B test.

It was between two different email subject lines. The first subject line briefly described the contents of the email. The second subject line was basically the same, except I added the word “free.”

There was a lot riding on this test, too — namely my reputation.

I was new in my position, and during our first collaborative meeting with the web team, I’d pretty much put my reputation on the line.

The email copy was on display, and I had to take a second look when I read the subject line.

“We are sending that?” I asked.

Everyone …read more      

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4 Ways to Make Your Content Gripping to Readers

By Neil Patel

mind grip

Do your readers hang on to your every word?

I bet they don’t.

Okay, that’s not fair because mine don’t all either.

The facts clearly show that a large chunk of your readers will skim your content, no matter what.

But that still leaves a lot of readers.

And these readers can choose to skim as well, read somewhat closely, or read every single word you write.

I think you’ll agree that the last option is the best for us as content creators.

Think of the blogs you read on a regularly basis. How many recent posts have really gripped you?

I mean those cases when …read more      

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Making a Business Out of Her Life

By Pamela Wilson

hero's journey - converting experience into a business

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could take your life experiences and turn them into a business?

Sonia Thompson has done just that.

She’s combined her time in corporate America with her love for small business to create a place where small business owners can learn the mindset and techniques they need to master running their businesses successfully.

And she’s working to incorporate her personal passions, like speaking Spanish and living abroad, into her future offerings.

Sonia’s story is this month’s Hero’s Journey feature. We’re tapping the collective wisdom of our community members to bring you reports from the front lines of the content …read more      

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How to Be a Copywriting Genius: The Brilliantly Sneaky Trick You Must Learn

By Sonia Simone

a simple tip to improve your copy

Are your readers doing what you want them to do? Are they registering for your free membership site, downloading your ebook, or signing up for your email newsletter?

If not, you need to learn a master craftsman’s copywriting secret.

This technique acts like a remote control to get your readers to take action. Press this “magic button” and you’ll see your results improve dramatically.

The secret, masters-only technique to compelling your readers to act is to …

Ask them.

Annoyed? Think I’m pulling your leg? There’s nothing magical or tricky to getting someone to do something just by asking them, right? That’s completely …read more      

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