Category: Featured

Content Marketing Defined in 60 Seconds [Animated Video]

By Demian Farnworth

content marketing defined - what is content marketing?

Imagine you and an old friend from high school are lying on a trampoline in your backyard. Cucumbers cover your eyes as you soak up rays from the rising sun.

It’s been almost a decade since you’ve talked, so naturally one of the things he asks about is your job.

You tell your friend, “I’m into content marketing.”

He removes the cucumbers from his eyes, leans toward you and says, “What is content marketing?”

You remove the cucumbers from your eyes and sit up. You look him in the eyes and say, “What is content marketing?”

Could you define it? And could you …read more      

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Reader Personas

By Neil Patel


There’s only one key behind producing great content, day after day…

You don’t need to be the best writer.

You don’t need to be a top expert (although it can help).

You don’t need any fancy tools (although they can also help).

What you do need to do is understand your reader.

Most marketers would rather spend time learning about a new traffic tactic than spend time learning about their readers, and it’s the reason why they struggle.

Let me illustrate the importance of this with a simple example:

Imagine: You’re writing for an audience that consists of one person – yourself.

Do you think you could come …read more      

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7 Fun and Easy Warm Ups to Start Your Writing Day

By Pamela Wilson

rev up your writing with these morning routines

The fastest way to become a proficient content creator is to make writing part of your daily routine.

When you write habitually, you open up a channel that allows the ideas in your head to more easily become a physical expression of those ideas. You go from thoughts to words on a page faster. Your writing improves.

And because you’re better at writing, you enjoy it more.

And because you enjoy it more, you write more often.

It’s a happy circular pattern of, “Doing more, which leads to doing better, which leads to doing more.”

But none of the above helps you when …read more      

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Your Step-by-Step Email Marketing Strategy Guide [Free Checklist]

By Beth Hayden

free! email marketing strategy guide

Perhaps you already feel like you have a good handle on the little details of email marketing, like writing subject lines, creating opt-in forms for your site, and setting up your welcome message.

But maybe what you really need is a comprehensive road map for email marketing that presents a smart email marketing strategy as a series of manageable steps.

If that’s the case, I’ve got great news! To wrap up our 10-part email marketing series, that’s exactly what you’re going to get.

This step-by-step email marketing strategy guide summarizes how to create your list, get subscribers, build solid relationships, …read more      

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5 Ways to Make Your Content Mobile-Friendly for Increased Traffic and Engagement

By Neil Patel


I think it’s safe to say that smartphones aren’t a fad.

Jokes aside, mobile Internet usage has been going up year after year.

In fact, the number of mobile users has now exceeded the number of desktop users.

All that means is that if you’re not optimizing your content and your website as a whole, you’re likely not making the most of your traffic.

Additionally, it may be preventing you from getting more traffic.

In 2015, Google announced that it created a mobile-friendly algorithm, which the industry dubbed “mobilegeddon.

It didn’t have a huge effect, but some sites that were not …read more      

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