Category: Featured

The 9 Components of an Effective SEO Team: Do You or Your Agency Have Them Covered?

By Neil Patel


A modern SEO team is nothing like it used to be.

It’s extremely rare to find a single SEO capable of doing everything necessary to fully optimize a business for search.

And even if you do have all those skills, it’s better to have multiple people who specialize in different areas (if you have the budget).

You can form a team in-house or hire an agency—either option can work.

However, you’ll obviously have much more control over an in-house team.

In this post, I’ll go over all the components of an effective SEO team so that you know whether you have all the areas covered.

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Last Day: Super Early Bird Pricing for Digital Commerce Summit

By Brian Clark

digital commerce summit - last day super early bird pricing

A speaker list filled with real practitioners of digital commerce …

An integrated agenda that covers the deep process underlying digital product and service creation, marketing, and distribution …

An exclusive performance by one of the most beloved bands to come out of the alternative music revolution …

Plus, an ice-breaking opening reception and an epic closing party to bookend the networking that will happen all event long.

It’s Digital Commerce Summit 2016. This is the exclusive event for digital entrepreneurs, where you’ll:

  • Discover the specific tactics and strategies that will make your digital product or service more useful and more …read more      
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An Uplifting Journey from Meditation Authority to Bold Business Builder

By Pamela Wilson

hero's journey - a meditation on natural authority

Many of us have an exaggerated image of the business world — that it’s all about making heartless decisions based solely on profits, not people.

But what if you could build a business that had a transformative effect on your customers’ lives? And what if you could profit at the same time?

Morgan Dix has built two businesses that enable his customers to transform themselves.

The first one teaches meditation, and the second one teaches people to build a platform for their ideas.

Morgan’s story is this month’s Hero’s Journey feature. We’re tapping the collective wisdom of our community members to bring you reports …read more      

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How to Leverage Q&A Sites to Generate Traffic

By Neil Patel


There are many types of sites with which you can generate traffic.

But there’s one in particular that is great for small, and even some medium, sized sites:

question and answer sites (Q&A).

These sites consist solely of users asking questions and other users answering those questions.

Because they are “natural” questions, they contain long tail keywords in most cases.

Because of that, these sites quickly amass search engine traffic in addition to their regular user base traffic.

There are hundreds of Q&A sites out there, but for this post, I’m going to focus on two of the biggest: Quora and Stack …read more      

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How to Make the Move from Fearless Freelancer to Remarkable Digital Entrepreneur

By Danny Margulies

lessons from a bold transformation

As a freelance copywriter, I’d always been excited by the thought of starting an online business.

What could be better than having total control over your schedule, freedom to do the work you’re most passionate about, and the potential to make money while you sleep?

But becoming a digital entrepreneur also sounded daunting to me — at least in the beginning.

Since I was working as a freelancer, I had little free time, no access to venture capital, and essentially zero business experience.

While I wasn’t about to let those constraints stop me, they did force me to take some unconventional approaches when building …read more      

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