Category: Featured

Is Your Content Marketing Profitable? Here Are 22 Metrics That Will Tell You

By Neil Patel


It’s a mistake I see time and again…

Businesses invest in content marketing without having a clue whether it’s effective or not.

No matter what your goals are, you need some way of quantifying the results of your efforts.

Otherwise, you don’t know if you’re getting a positive or negative return on investment (ROI).

To determine how successful you’ve been, you need to track metrics (also called key performance indicators (KPIs)).

Metrics are numbers that are related to the goals you want to achieve.

For example, if your main goal is to lose fat, metrics you could track are body fat percentage and weight.

The key factor …read more      

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An Advocate Who Helps People Change the World with Content Marketing

By Pamela Wilson

Hero's Journey - helping make change happen with content

There’s a certain type of client who’s naturally drawn to Amy Butcher’s work. And there’s a certain type of client Amy Butcher is naturally drawn to.

The common thread?

Amy helps nonprofits, research institutes, and public sector agencies craft ultra-effective content. Her words help them get more support and more donations.

Her words help them change the world.

Once a month here on Copyblogger, we tap the collective wisdom of our community members to bring you reports from the front lines of the content marketing world.

For this month’s Hero’s Journey feature, I asked Amy to remove her superhero cape momentarily …read more      

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How to Rev Up Your Article from the Start

By Sean D’Souza

innovative ways to start your article with drama

Cartoonists don’t think straight.

If you tell them about cars, they think of chewing gum.

If you talk to them about dinner, they think of heel balm.

In short, they force-fit thoughts that may have no connection to each other.

But what’s a cartoonist got to do with the opening paragraphs of your article?

When you think about it, most of us get stuck while writing introductions.

Let’s say we want to write about “growing tomatoes in a small space.”

What are you thinking of right now? Sure, “tomatoes in a small space.” Which is fine to start, but it’s plain and boring.

How …read more      

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6 Steps to Your First 100 Email Subscribers (The Easy Way)

By Neil Patel


If you want to maximize your business’ profit, there’s one thing you need to know: email marketing has a return on investment (ROI) that beats any alternative—by a lot.

I mention it fairly often, so you might already know that. But then why haven’t you started?

Or if you have started, why aren’t you getting great results? It’s not necessarily your fault; in fact, it probably isn’t.

The fault lies in the fact that you don’t have the right system in place. Every blogger will tell you how important email subscribers are, but few will actually give you an actionable strategy you can …read more      

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Last Chance to Save: Our Sale Ends in a Few Hours

By Jerod Morris

Only a few hours left - SALE ENDS TODAY - MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9 through MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16

Only a few hours left.

This year’s Black Monday-to-Monday sale ends later today (November 16, 2015) — at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time to be exact.

Here are the two deals you can take advantage of, plus one important point to remember:


Get our StudioPress All-Theme Pack for $150 off

With the StudioPress Pro Plus All-Theme Pack, which normally costs $499.95, you get immediate access to:

  • 37 StudioPress themes (with more on the way)

  • 3 third-party themes, for the first time ever (with more on the way)

  • Updates for the life of your account

  • Support for the life of your account

  • Access to new themes for the life of …read more      
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