Category: Featured

How to Become a Full-Time Authorpreneur

By Rainmaker.FM


At 25 years old, Monica Leonelle realized that she could use a book to get a job.

Then later realized that her book could turn into highly paid speaking gigs. Then realized that she could write even more books, quit her job, and become a full-time authorpreneur.

Want to know how she did it?

In this episode of Authorpreneur, host Jim Kukral and Monica Leonelle discuss:

  • How to become a full-time authorpreneur
  • How to leverage a book into a pretty sweet job
  • The secret to writing more books, faster
  • How anyone can become an authorpreneur with the right mindset

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Triple Your Email Opt-in Rate by Using This 6-Step Lead Magnet Creation Process

By Neil Patel


Creating great content isn’t enough.

Although getting lots of traffic and social shares is nice, it’s not the goal of content marketing.

Pop quiz: What is the real purpose of any marketing?

To make sales.

Now, you can’t typically do that straight from blog posts, at least not for most products.

However, what you can do is collect your readers’ contact information—even if it’s just an email.

Ten years ago, you could get a decent sign-up rate just by having a box in your sidebar that said “subscribe to the blog.”

But now, brands are producing a lot of content, and 70% of …read more      

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Black Monday-to-Monday: Our Two Most Popular Deals, Back by Popular Demand

By Jerod Morris

Black Monday to Monday: November 9, 2015 to November 16, 2015

A few years ago, we started hosting an annual “Black Monday-to-Monday” sale several weeks before Thanksgiving — figuring you’d have enough on your, ahem, plate once the real Black Friday rolls around.

That initial promotion, and every one that’s followed, has been wildly successful. Although, since the idea seems to be catching on, we may move it to September next year. :)

Meanwhile, here are this year’s Black Monday-to-Monday deals … named as such because the deals start today and expire next Monday, November 16, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. These two particular deals were selected based on the …read more      

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Act Now: Digital Commerce Institute Charter Membership Offer Expires in Just Hours

By Brian Clark

Only a Few Hours Left - Digital Commerce Institute - Charter Membership Ends Today

We mentioned two weeks ago when we launched Digital Commerce Institute that the Charter Membership offer would only be available for a limited window.

That window is quickly closing. Here are the important details:

WHO: Digital entrepreneurs — current and aspiring (which one are you?)

WHAT: Charter Membership offer to Digital Commerce Institute, which includes Digital Commerce Academy for just $295 per year (less than $25/month) and a ridiculous bargain on your ticket to next October’s Digital Commerce Summit when you bundle them together.

WHEN: Offer valid until today, Friday, November 6, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. …read more      

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Starting from Scratch: 6 Steps to Your First Content Marketing Plan

By Neil Patel

content marketing

Content marketing is amazing for attracting your target audience and building a relationship with it.

There is just one problem, though…

How do you do it?

I share a lot of content marketing tips in my posts, but those posts usually assume you’re already doing content marketing, at least to some degree.

But if you haven’t started yet, or are very new to it, you won’t get as much out of those posts as those with some experience.

So, if you’ve felt that my past posts about content marketing have been too advanced for you, this one will help.

I’m going to give you …read more      

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