Category: Featured

The Disgustingly Simple Rule for Web Writing That’s Often Hard to Swallow

By Demian Farnworth

how to make your web writing easy to digest

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on January 14, 2009. We’re bringing it back today because clear, concise writing on the web never goes out of style.

In 1964, Richard Hofstadter wrote a Pulitzer-prize-winning book called Anti-Intellectualism in America. This rich, thorough book exposed the thread of anti-intellectualism that runs through the culture of practical America.

For example, even though the founding fathers were sages, scientists, and men of cultivation, the Federalists attacked their curiosity and idealism as too trivial for important affairs.

Did you know there’s a thread of anti-intellectualism running through …read more      

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The Proper Way to Grow an Audience on Medium

By Rainmaker.FM


What does a boy band pop group called Jerod Morris and the Sponge Bags have to do with content marketing? More than you might think.

In this episode of The Lede, hosts Demian Farnworth and Jerod Morris introduce you to the perfect illustration for understanding content syndication.

Content syndication is nothing more than circulating the same article, video, or podcast across multiple pubs. For example, Demian could take a Copyblogger article he wrote and try to get it published on Business Insider, Fast Company, and Huffington Post.

How could this be a good thing? Easy. It broadens …read more      

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The 7 Circles of Belief that Drive Customers to Your Business

By Rainmaker.FM


Nearly all of us make decisions based on our beliefs — including decisions about what to buy and which businesses to connect with.

The 7 Circles of Belief are a spiral path that can bring customers or clients ever closer to your business.

Belief binds us together, often creating micro-tribes within our larger communities. And people want to connect with products and services that are aligned with their beliefs.

When you learn how to communicate your values and beliefs, you’ll pull your audience closer to you, along what we’ve identified as a 7-stage spiral path of belief. …read more      

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The Shocking Way to Master Any Book

By Rainmaker.FM


What Rough Draft host Demian Farnworth is about to say might make you grit your teeth. Clench your fist. Or even pick up a crow bar …

Demian wants to show you why marking in a book is a good thing. And he wants to show you that unless you do this, you’re likely missing out on the best kind of reading.

The point of reading a good book is not to see how many you can get through. The point is to see how many get through to you.

How many you absorb into your blood. …read more      

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How KISSmetrics Grew to 793,858 Visitors a Month by Using One Simple Formula

By Neil Patel

seo traffic

What if I told you that you can grow a blog to 100,000 plus visitors a month without even blogging.

It sounds crazy, right?

Both the KISSmetrics and Crazy Egg blogs receive well over 100,000 visitors a month each, and I didn’t even have to write one blog post to hit those traffic goals.

Sure, I now blog on both of those properties for fun, but it wasn’t the main source of traffic initially. So, how do you get to 100,000 visitors a month without blogging?

Well, you have to hire writers. Here is the process you should use to find writers who will …read more      

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