Category: Featured

5 Insider Tips to Make More Sales During Your Webinars

By Beth Hayden

boost webinar conversions with these five tips

Hosting your own webinars can be incredibly frustrating.

It seems like your competitors are all making tons of money by presenting free promotional webinars. They deliver great content, then do a sales pitch at the end of the webinar and bring in tons of sales.

However, you’re starting to get perturbed. You’re delivering useful, engaging content, and you’re getting rave reviews on every webinar you present. But you can’t seem to make any sales.

At this point, you’re starting to wonder if should continue hosting webinars at all.

I get it. I’ve been there.

My webinar sales …read more      

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Will Millennials Kill Email Marketing?

By Rainmaker.FM


The biggest myth around about Millennials is that they don’t use email. Fact is, the average young person checks email more often than most older people.

But that doesn’t mean Millennials are reading your email. Rather, there’s a good chance that your email is getting deleted unread, prompting an unsubscribe, or worst of all, marked as spam.

Smarter online marketers are connecting with the Millennial generation by email just fine. Here’s how.

In this 18-minute episode of New Rainmaker with Brian Clark, Brian and Robert Bruce discuss:

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Content Marketing Means Much More to SEO Than Link Building

By Rainmaker.FM


In this episode of Search & Deploy, host Loren Baker discusses the importance of SEO in content marketing and how content marketing’s true potential is only unlocked when various digital marketing stakeholders combine forces to build the best content out there.

The discussion continues into the importance of content marketing with regard to link building and how content has always been the core of linking — but how much more important rich content is to the other pillars of digital marketing.

After discussing creating content that helps an entire company, Loren explains ways to distribute that content using internal …read more      

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What’s Your Favorite Word?

By Rainmaker.FM


In this episode of Editor-in-Chief, discover why you should let go of your preferences to become a more mature writer.

Examine your writing like an Editor-in-Chief to keep your audience engaged and to continue growing as a content creator.

In this 14-minute episode of Editor-in-Chief, host Stefanie Flaxman discusses:

  • How to experiment with your writing to achieve a new level of maturity
  • Where we can discuss your favorite words
  • Why preferences are dangerous
  • Stefanie’s favorite word (and why)
  • Why you won’t like Stefanie’s favorite word if you’re not creative

Click Here to Listen to

Editor-in-Chief on iTunes

<a class="colorbox" …read more      

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The 8 Rules of Ruthless Editing from David Mamet

By Rainmaker.FM


No one wants to write dull, lifeless copy that lulls even the most hyper people to sleep. Certainly not you, right? But why do we find it so hard to write what we want to say in the least amount of words — and still maintain potency?

It’s not easy because we tend to fall in love with what we write. We fear cutting out anything important. No matter how dead it is.

But how do we distinguish between the living words and the dead words? How do we identify the enticing sentences from the repulsive ones? It’s almost like we need …read more      

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