Category: Uncategorized

MIXX Lounge, Lobby Level, IAB MIXX Lounge, And Workshop

Lobby Level
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IAB MIXX Lounge, Lobby Level
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Opening Remarks
Session TBA
IAB MIXX Lounge, Lobby Level
Network, recharge, and relax at the IAB MIXX Lounge.
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The Future of Media, Content, and Distribution
Technology has…

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PicShare Party, Photo Book, Incomplete Digital Photo, And Two-factor Authentication Style

People are okay with all 1,000 of their Facebook friends seeing carefully composed pictures of their morning latte. But pictures of weddings, baby showers, and family reunions are a little more sensitive than the rosetta your barista poured that morning. Jeremy Senn built PicShare Party to give frie…

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Wonderful Audio Producer, Audio Producer Anna, Producer Anna Queza, And Triple Scoop Music

Sure, you may not be a writer in the traditional sense as it relates to publishing books or articles for publication. Maybe you don?t even have a blog or website where you publish content. Maybe you do. Either way, writing is a core human technology. It?s something we all do on some level. It?s a ne…

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