Category: Uncategorized

Brinn Sanders, Twitter, Twitter Ads, And Partner Marketing

Jimmy Hang ( @j immyhang ) is responsible for driving all SMB adoption efforts at Twitter. His mission is to inspire and empower businesses on how to organically grow their business on Twitter.

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Blog Post, Blog Posts, Search Engine Journal, And Leads

Do you know why I started blogging back in 2006? It was to generate leads for my consulting company. And boy, did it work well.
It worked so well that for every three blog posts I wrote, I generated one new customer that paid $5,000 a month for one year. In essence, I was generating $20,000 for ever…

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Net Neutrality, Internet, Net Neutrality News, And Internet Slowdown Work

If you?re reading this, you benefit from an open Internet. You take for granted that the browser you?re using can reach our blog. But that could change.
If you haven?t been following the Net Neutrality news for the past several months, here?s the situation. The Internet is a free (as in speech) and …

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Social Proof, People, Social Media, And Landing Page

Businesses and marketers are increasingly using social proof to create positive customer engagement around their products and services, which in turn can increase conversions that contribute to the bottom line.
After all, it?s not just about getting users to your website, but it?s about ultimately …

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Press Releases, PR Distribution Services, Press Release, And PR Industry

Disruption is de rigueur in modern markets. New business models powered by the communication and universal availability of Internet tools have disrupted almost every industry on the planet. Some of these innovative disruptors have worked like a charm, while others have stumbled and failed to achieve…

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