Category: Uncategorized

Twitter, Brinn Sanders, Twitter Ads, And Twitter Presence

Jimmy Hang ( @j immyhang ) is responsible for driving all SMB adoption efforts at Twitter. His mission is to inspire and empower businesses on how to organically grow their business on Twitter.

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Search Engine Optimization, Exact Anchor Text, Exact Match Domain, And Keyword Density Targets

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Over the last 12 ye…

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Android, Largest Generational Groups, Apple IOS Accounting, And Social Networking Apps

Millennials, one of the largest generational groups in the U.S., on par with the Baby Boomers, are also the largest group of smartphone owners, says Nielsen in a report out today. And their adoption of the devices is still growing: by the second quarter of this year, 85% of those aged 18 to 24 owned…

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Social Media, Social Business, Social Media Platforms, And Social Shake-Up

It?s back to school time. Isn?t this the year we?ve all resolved to learn what?s next for technology?including mobile, scanning, and wearable? How to handle our social strategy if our data is compromised? How to engage consumers around the world?

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