Category: Uncategorized

Moto, Peak Smart Watch, OK Google Text, And Samsung Gear Series

Moto 360 Smartwatch
As we approach Peak Smart Watch at the Apple event next week, manufacturers are racing to offer product to those who might not want to bow down to Cupertino in the coming months. The latest contender is the Moto 360, a steel and le…

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Social Media, Social Media Platform, Quick Sprout, And Social Media Sites

With all the social media sites available today, which ones should you leverage? In an ideal world, you would use them all. As a small business, however, you don?t have enough time and money to do so.
With your limited resources, which social media platform

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Customer Service, Comcast Customer Service, Rental Car, And Customer Service Study

2,355 members
As organizations strive to create better experiences with customers in order to drive loyalty, brand champions, and incremental spend, the level of customer service they provide becomes more and more important in meeting those objectives. With the meteoric rise of social media and th…

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Sports Fans, Push Notifications, Co-founder Andrew Meikle, And Professional Sports Articles

The Internet has had a huge impact on sports?from football to fencing. Nearly everything about any sport can be found online. Tweets, videos, blog posts, news articles, status updates, predictions, photos, schedules, results, and web pages, in fact, are overwhelming even the most tech savvy of sport…

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Email, Email Services Company, Windows-based Email Engagement, And Widely Used Marketing

Email turned 32 over Labor Day weekend, and what a long way it’s come.
On August 30, 1982, Shiva Ayyadurai changed global communication forever by introducing email. Today, email remains one of the most effective and widely used marketing channels the world over, and it continues…

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