Chase Customers, Not Clicks

By Jerod Morris

You want to be a broke-ass blogger, don’t you?


Good gracious, of course you don’t. (At least I hope not.)

But if the first metric you look at is page views, not sales — i.e. clicks, not customers — then you’re well on your way to broke-ass bloggerdom.

What’s sad is that a lot of of online business owners do pay more attention to vanity stats than fundamental business metrics. …read more    

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SEO Efforts, Monster Traffic Generation, SEO Agency, And SEO Campaigns

When I was running an SEO agency, I realized that companies had one big issue with SEO. They couldn?t figure out if they were losing or making money from their SEO campaigns. For this reason, most companies spend their marketing dollars on paid search because it allows them to track their return on …

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Table XI, Chicago Hacker News, Web Development, And Seemingly Disparate Bunch

A few weeks ago, Eric Liu, founder of RocketLease, asked me if I would like to help him organize the Chicago Hacker News meetup. We wanted to class it up a bit over the traditional ?Meetup Pizza,? so I spent the morning at Whole Foods, trying to figure out how much cheese one buys to feed 100 people…

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Social Media, Huffington Post, Social Media Marketing, And Brand Advocates

There?s been a lot of talk recently regarding the age old adage: the customer is always right.

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