Quantcast CEO Konrad, Supernova Wrap-up Post, Exciting New Concept, And Real-time Media Revolution

As we mentioned in our Supernova wrap-up post last week, we will be posting the key sessions, and today we are starting with opening remarks from Quantcast CEO Konrad Feldman, in which he provides his perspective on the state of the real-time media revolution and introduces an exciting new concept f…

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Mark Organ, Advocate Marketing, CEO, And Interview

In the first part of this interview, Mark Organ, CEO of Influitive, introduced us to the company and advocate marketing. Today, he talks more about marketing in general….

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Predictive Intelligence, Quantcast, Web Activity, And Tailor Ad Delivery

Quantcast?s real-time, instantaneous map of web activity allows us to anticipate audience behaviors, tailor ad delivery to the specific journey of each and every consumer, and influence the path to conversion for total precision advertising. Relevance increases throughout the buying and selling proc…

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How Mommy Bloggers Became the Ultimate Social Media Butterfly

By awhite@saleamp.com (Alana White)


With the rise of mommy blogs in recent years, it is no surprise that these tech-savvy ladies would also learn to harness the power of social media to extend their reach and boost their influence. Overall, moms are actually one of the leading audiences using social media. According to a recent study by Social Media Today, moms are 20 percent more likely to use social media than the general population. They are also 38 percent more likely to become a fan of a brand online. Whether it is to connect with old friends or seek advice on what products or …read more    

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Google, New Tool Launching, Google S Apps, And Built-in Existing Population

Google is tackling the persistent need in education for better software with Classroom, a new tool launching in beta preview to help teachers make, collect and track student assignments, and to help them better communicate with their classes.
The Classroom app is part of Google?s Apps for Education…

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