How to Build a Profitable Email List with Social Media Advertising

By Rainmaker.FM


Your email list is the most valuable asset for an online business. There’s a lot to consider when maximizing the number of people who sign up, but sometimes you have to also focus on getting enough people to see your opt-in in the first place.

Noah Kagan has spent over $2 million on Facebook ads while building his business AppSumo, powered by an email list of over 700,000. A bold move, but you have to also realize that Kagan was employee number 30 at Facebook and helped build their ad system.

Needless to say, Noah has vast experience and …read more      

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Most Things in Business and Life Fail (and Why That’s Okay)

By Rainmaker.FM


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is one of host Jon Nastor’s all-time favorite writers, and Jon rarely goes more than a few months without rereading his book Choose Yourself.

He is a hedge fund manager, entrepreneur, bestselling author, blogger, and podcaster.

He has founded (or cofounded) more than 20 companies, and 17 have failed. He sold one for $15 million and spent all of the money — all of it. Then he built and sold another within its first year for $10 million.

He fails quickly. He fails frequently. He claims Entrepreneurship is a sentence of failures punctuated …read more      

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B2B Marketing Forum, Mobile Number, Standard Messaging Fees, And Personally Identifiable Information

Provide us your mobile number to have the relevant text and voice alerts sent directly to your phone. (This is a free service, but standard messaging fees apply. We respect your right to privacy and will not rent or share your mobile number. Reply STOP at any time to unsubscribe from alerts)

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Execute a Practical Editorial Strategy with the ‘Prepare; Don’t Plan’ Philosophy

By Rainmaker.FM


Are you an Editor-in-Chief?

Editor-in-Chief (noun): a person who assumes complete responsibility for and ownership of all the communication he or she puts out into the world to enable a self-directed, creative career.

Do you want to become one and learn effective ways to take control of your own digital media platform?

In this 9-minute episode of Editor-in-Chief, host Stefanie Flaxman discusses:

  • Why this show is called Editor-in-Chief
  • The cure for a monotonous, boring routine
  • Stefanie’s definition of an Editor-in-Chief
  • How to remain responsive to what’s going on in your industry while meeting content goals
  • Your second assignment to help you manage long-term and short-term editorial responsibilities

<a class="colorbox" href="" …read more      

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Comments, Blog Posts, Blog Post, And Content

Everyone loves comments.
Valuable comments can generate qualified visitors and leads for you. For example, I generated $25,000 from 249 comments in October 2014 alone.
Marcus Sheridan usually spends 5-6 hours a week, reading and commenting on other people?s blog posts. He does this because he wants …

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