5 Simple Steps for Creating Content, Even When Life Gets in the Way

By Rainmaker.FM


If you’re about to start a content marketing strategy for your business and you’re wondering how to keep showing up consistently, or you’re already struggling with sporadic publishing habits, this episode of Hit Publish is for you.

If people tell you that creating content regularly is easy, they’re telling fibs. It’s one of the biggest challenges businesses face when Hitting Publish and host Amy Harrison has got a confession to make … she has struggled with it a lot in the past.

Fortunately, this means Amy has a few sneaky tips for helping you out if you’re in a content creation jam.

You …read more      

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Valuing Your Connections and Optimizing Towards Happiness

By Rainmaker.FM


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is a developer who understands the marketing strategies needed to grow a business — and is an expert in implementing them.

He helps course authors, product creators, and self-funded businesses increase their revenue from their existing traffic.

As the CEO of DelfiNet, a full-service development and marketing consultancy, he has helped companies all around the world improve their revenue conversion strategies. His portfolio includes a large range of companies, including both small startups and Fortune 100s.

He’s passionate about developing solutions to solve real business problems and employing solutions that are intuitive and easy to use.

Now, …read more      

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Listener Challenge: Could You Read 100 Books in a Year?

By Rainmaker.FM


There are a lot of books out there. What’s the benefit of reading as many of them as you can lay your eyes on?

One of the fastest tracks to mastering the art of compelling copy and seductive storytelling is to observe how others do it … both the masters and the flops.

In fact, you could probably learn more from bad writers than you could from great writers. That is, you could learn what to do and what not to do.

In this 6-minute episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover:

  • Exactly how many books you should be reading every week
  • The …read more      
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3 Simple Copywriting Techniques to Get Your Customer ‘Beyond’ the Buy Button

By Amy Harrison

move your prospects beyond the sale

When you write sales copy, it’s easy to get consumed by one thought: make the sale.

But this focus could actually be your copywriting downfall.

While you want to make a sale, your customer wants a transformation.

If you don’t share that vision of transformation when you write, your message could fall flat right when you need it most: at the buy button.

Here’s how to guide your customer through — and beyond — the sale with confidence.

Why focusing on the sale is like hitting a brick in the road

On a very early driving lesson, I was picking …read more      

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The Membership Imperative and the Persistence of Audio Content

By Rainmaker.FM


We’ve been talking a lot about the benefits of the “logged in experience” when it comes to email list building and marketing automation. There’s even more to it than that.

Birthday boy Jerod Morris joins Brian Clark for this episode of New Rainmaker to talk about interesting things they’ve spotted in the endless content stream related to digital commerce.

Brian and Jerod discuss why web analytics are usually horribly wrong (and what to do about it) and marvel at the staying power and popularity of audio content.

Tune in to New Rainmaker with Brian Clark to hear Brian and Jerod discuss:

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