7 Huge Sites for Traffic That Marketers Don’t Take Advantage Of

By Neil Patel

big sites

Do you want to know why everybody focuses on SEO and social media marketing?

Because everyone wants traffic for their websites, and both of these sources are huge.

Google, YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn are all in the top 20 traffic sites in the world.

Whether you’re a plumber, SaaS marketer, or recipe blogger, you can find your target audience through one or both of these sources.

Or if you sell physical products, you likely sell them on the e-commerce giants such as Amazon and eBay—same concept really as you can sell virtually anything on them due to their size.

There’s nothing wrong with focusing on …read more      

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3 Surprising Steps to Help You Think Outside the Content Marketing Box

By Calvin Koepke

content marketing where you least expect it

Let me tell you a fascinating story about John.

He’s a fictional character but a good example of the type of people I help every day. In fact, if you pay close attention, you might realize you relate to him in more ways than one.

John is a developer. He writes code day in and day out for a large company.

He doesn’t think of himself as a copywriter. He essentially just codes, all the time. But John also has a strategy up his sleeve. In fact, he uses content marketing every day.

What John might lack in overt …read more      

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From 2003 to 2016: The Astounding Growth of Podcasting [Infographic]

By Jon Nastor

a brief history of the rise of podcasting

The playing field has been leveled and the barriers to entry have been torn down.

Every day, people enjoy inspired lives built upon their art, their passions, and their ideas.

Not because someone gave them permission, but because they decided this was their time and they weren’t going to be satisfied if they missed it.

It is no longer a question of whether or not “they” will let you. It is simply: will you?

Starting today, you could create and launch a podcast in 30 days, have it build an audience of rabid fans, and — through the <a class="colorbox" …read more      

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7 Ways to Improve Your Webinars (and Conversion Rate)

By Neil Patel

neil patel

Webinars…they are known for their insane conversion rates.

You might have even heard about them from me. I’ve shared before how Kissmetrics used webinars (when I was still working there) to generate approximately $1,638,000 in revenue from just 77 webinars.

And those results are good but not that unusual.

A survey of marketers who regularly conduct webinars found that between 20% and 40% of attendees turned into qualified leads.

Overall, webinars are currently producing the second best ROI (return on investment) of any content for marketers.

It seems that marketers and business owners have finally started realizing how …read more      

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4 Reasons Natural Authority Rocks and 4 Ways to Build It

By Pamela Wilson

what happens when you have natural authority

Some people just have “it,” don’t they?

They exude a confident air. They seem especially wise. They have ready answers for any question.

They’re authoritiesnatural authorities.

And this mysterious quality makes you want to follow their lead. It compels you to sit up and listen closely when they speak.

It makes you want to do business with them.

Do you have this magical quality? Does your website?

What life is like for naturally authoritative businesses

Authoritative businesses enjoy advantages that others don’t.

They possess a presence that draws prospects and customers to them and their ideas — naturally. Organically. And in a way that …read more      

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