Doors Are Open for Certification (and Other Fun Things)

By Sonia Simone

Doors Are Open for Certification (and Other Fun Things)

Remember all the conversations we’ve been having about the Certified Content Marketer program?

Well, the doors are open — and they’re going to be closing again on Monday, June 12. If you’d like to be featured on our list of recommended writers (and get our most advanced content strategy course), this is how you do it.

You can sign up (or learn more) at the link below — and of course, our usual no-hassle 30-day money-back guarantee applies if it’s not a perfect fit for you.

Program Details for Copyblogger’s Content Marketer Certification

Note: If you’re a member of our …read more      

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39 Things Every Sales Email Needs to Have

By Neil Patel

business personas for mobile phones

Did you know Gmail alone has more than one billion monthly active users?

That means roughly one in every seven humans on the planet has a Gmail account.

And that’s what I love so much about email marketing: the fact that it’s so universal and allows you to reach such a huge audience.

Just think about it. Not everyone uses Instagram. Not everyone uses Snapchat.

But almost everyone uses email.

I look at email as the great equalizer in marketing. It’s especially helpful if you need to reach an older demographic of baby boomers and beyond.

Of course, there’s a lot that …read more      

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Writers: Doors Are Open for the Copyblogger Certification Program (through Monday, June 12)

By Sonia Simone

You may have noticed that we’ve been talking up our Certified Content Marketer program lately. We’ve already had some amazing folks join us and get started … but we still have room for you.

Click here to get all of the details.

Here’s the two-minute run-down:

Who it’s for

Strong writers who want to make more money and find better clients.

What it will do for you

  • Teach you solid content strategy, so you can get better results for your clients
  • Give you tools to improve your professionalism with clients, so you look better and do a better job
  • Get featured (if your application passes review) …read more      
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3 Advanced Ways to Craft Better Sentences

By Stefanie Flaxman

While the goal of “improving your content writing” may seem complex, it’s not necessarily more complicated than improving each sentence you write.

Better sentences add up to better content.

So, let’s break down content writing into sentence writing.

I’m not about to show you how to write a “perfect” sentence. Instead, these three tips will help you remember that every sentence you write is an opportunity to practice.

And during your writing practice, you can implement smart changes that keep your reader focused on your message.

1. No sentence is an island

Even if you’re examining just one individual sentence, it’s helpful …read more      

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How to Build a 25,590 Instagram Following Using This Daily Routine

By Neil Patel


Instagram recently announced it reached 700 million users!

Of those users, 100 million signed up in the last four months, marking the platform’s fastest-ever growth rate.

If you’re wondering how it stacks up against other major networks, see for yourself:

It’s currently the third most popular social networking site and has a commanding lead over Twitter.

Here’s another visualization of this data:


This, of course, means there’s a serious opportunity to build a following.

And the beautiful thing is Instagram doesn’t discriminate.

If you know what you’re doing, post epic content, and genuinely entertain your audience, your …read more      

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