The Brilliant Strategy and Backstory Behind Zero to Book

By Jerod Morris & Jon Nastor


Pamela Wilson just launched a book — Master Content Marketing — and a podcast played a key role in the project from idea inception to launch. She dishes on the details in this episode of The Showrunner.

In this lesson, Pamela describes how she:

  • “Showed her work” every step of the way with
  • Developed a community around the show, which informed the production of her book
  • Is considering using the audio asset once it’s complete

You’ll learn a lot from this episode, even if you’re not planning to write a book.

Listen, learn, enjoy …

Listen to this Episode Now

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How to Be a Great Community Leader, with Chris Lema

By Brian Gardner & Lauren Mancke


This week we’re joined by Chris Lema. Chris is a Product Strategist, a people manager, a speaker, and a blogger. He also works with companies to help them build better software products, run better software development teams, improve their marketing messages, and bring their products to market.

In this episode Brian Gardner, Lauren Mancke, and Chris Lema discuss:

  • Aligning your work with your areas of expertise
  • Making a course correction in your career
  • Defining leadership by difficult decisions
  • Leveraging WordPress in your business
  • Leadership that requires a move beyond good
  • Taking the leap to achieving success
  • Being sold on yourself to become the leader you were meant to …read more      
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How to Enhance Your Membership Site With Live Events

By Sean Jackson


Live events are a great way to amplify your authority and enhance your membership site, if you know the right way to produce them.

Membership sites are about community — creating an online environment for those who share similar interests and passions.

But for all their strengths, there’s a layer of abstraction that lacks the personal and emotional engagement found when people are in physical proximity to each other.

Live events allow you to extend your authority within your community, while providing a unique platform to fundamentally help your members enrich their lives.

That is … if you know how to do live events …read more      

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The Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Scannable Content

By Neil Patel


Rarely do people read content from beginning to end.

Maybe it’s because of our “microwave,” instant gratification culture. Maybe it’s because millions of other articles are vying for people’s attention.

Or maybe it’s because reading from screens takes about 25% longer than reading from paper. Research has even indicated that readers experience an unpleasant feeling when reading online text.

Whatever the case may be, it’s crucial to take the right approach when writing for online readers—a new approach.

There’s a certain art to digital writing that differs significantly from writing traditional paper text.

If you expect to convert more of your …read more      

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Want to Sharpen Your Writing Skills? Try This Fun Challenge

By Sonia Simone

Fun ways to gamify your content creation

Does this ever happen to you?

You read something from one of your favorite writers — maybe it’s a blog post, or a scene from a novel, or an essay on Medium.

You’re caught up in the words. The way that writer spins and turns the language, shaping what you see and feel as you read.

And once the reading spell is broken, you think …

Dang, I wish I could do that.

Experienced creative workers — writers, painters, musicians — know how to make it look easy.

But when we try our hand … it’s harder than it looks.

We all want to …read more      

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