How to Choose the Right Color Schemes for Your Ecommerce Shop

By Neil Patel

How Colors Affect Conversion Rate 1

It seems crazy, doesn’t it?

Something as abstract as color can influence the decisions people make.

I’m not just talking about everyday decisions, but those with real consequences for your business.

I mean the kind that impact your bottom line.

That’s not an unfounded claim. Research has shown that color accounts for 85% of an individual’s purchasing decision:

Shocking, I know.

But there is some fascinating science behind it.

It’s called color psychology, and I’ll explore some of it in this post.

First, I want to make something clear.

I’ve seen claims that merely making a switch from one color to another is the magic bullet …read more      

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Digital Commerce Academy Opens to New Students Next Week

By Sonia Simone

Just a heads up that our Digital Commerce Academy (DCA) — the resource that gives you real-world instruction on how to build a digital business — will be opening to new students next week for a limited time. Whether you want to launch a side hustle, take your small business to the next level, or
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The Resource You Need to Move Your Digital Business Forward

By Sonia Simone

I love digital business. Nothing else can match it for the freedom, the flexibility, the ability to make a living while only occasionally putting pants on. But. Sadly, it just isn’t true that you can wave your hands around, say a few magic words, and turn the internet into your ATM. The internet has no
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6 Writing and Productivity Rituals from the Copyblogger Creative Team

By Sonia Simone

I’ve said for a long time … writers are magicians. We make something out of nothing. We take syllables and turn them into dreams, sights, sounds. Calls to action and detailed plans for shenanigans. And as every magician knows, if you want to perform magic … you have to know a thing or two about
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Where to Begin When It’s Time to Edit Your Content

By Stefanie Flaxman

As I’ve said before, overcoming perfectionism is not an excuse to publish sloppy or uninspired writing. Content that works for your business is not only clear, accurate, and educational, it also gives insight into your values. And if it doesn’t contain aspects that make it memorable, it’s not going to work. Of course, memorable content
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