Here Are the Research Hacks I Use to Come up with a List of Target Keywords Fast

By Neil Patel

Keyword research is synonymous with SEO.

I remember, back in the day, when keyword research was SEO.

The recipe was simple.

Use the Google Keyword Tool (now known as the Google Keyword Planner) to type in a broad search phrase.

Find a keyword phrase that receives a considerable number of searches with minimal competition.

Stuff the crap out of it in your blog post.

And voila! You’re on the first page of Google!

That was when SEO was pretty archaic and Google’s algorithm was much less sophisticated than it is today.

Back then, pretty much anyone could game the system with a little know-how.

Heck, I remember when people …read more      

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Stop Making These 12 Word Choice Errors Once and for All

By Stefanie Flaxman

Bill is at a wine bar on Saturday night, enjoying a glass of Pinot Noir.

After striking up a playful conversation with Lisa (who prefers Syrah), he asks for her telephone number. Lisa agrees to Bill’s request, and he creates a new “contact” in his cell phone.

“No,” Lisa stops Bill. “You’ll have to memorize it. I don’t want you to write it down.”

Bill accepts the challenge and confidently repeats the 10-digit number a few times aloud. Lisa proceeds to talk about her cat Nibbles for an hour and then leaves the bar after she realizes how late in the …read more      

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3 Ways the ‘Cruise Ship’ Model Invites Your Audience Aboard

By Will DeWitt

Recently, my wife and I went on our first cruise.

Even though we didn’t have an inkling of what to expect, we now have what we’re calling “Cruise Fever.” We plan on being repeat customers for the same cruise line — and wouldn’t even consider another.


It’s all due to the completely satisfying experience we had from the moment we stepped foot on the ship to our final moment aboard. The cruise line earned our loyalty by instantly pulling us in and retaining our attention in unique and entrancing ways.

Here’s how you can use the “cruise ship” model to …read more      

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How to Tweak Your PPC Strategy During the Holiday Season

By Neil Patel

Just like in life, there’s an ebb and flow to marketing success.

That means a huge part of finding success as a marketer is being adaptable.

This allows you to capitalize on trends and strike while the iron is hot.

And if there’s any time of year that impacts sales and marketing, it’s the holidays.

In fact, nearly a fifth (19.2%) of retail sales take place over the holiday season.

It’s big business.

And holiday retail sales are only continuing to grow, which is great news for marketers.

While there was a drop off in 2008 and 2009, during …read more      

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How to Conduct Not-to-Miss Podcast Interviews

By Jon Nastor

"If you want interesting responses, you have to ask the right questions." – Jon Nastor

When I started Hack the Entrepreneur, I had never conducted a single interview before.

But during the past two years, I’ve hosted more than 350 podcast interviews. I’ve also made a lot of mistakes, embarrassed myself a few times, and learned countless lessons.

So now I have a number of insights to share with you today, as well as tips to avoid some not-so-obvious blunders.

Want to learn a simple path that builds an audience of dedicated listeners? A path that eases the burden of content creation, puts you at the forefront of your brand, and harnesses the …read more      

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