How to Use Predictive Analysis to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

By Neil Patel

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The world of technology is constantly evolving.

As a marketer, you need to stay up to date on new advancements that could benefit your company.

You don’t want to be left behind while your competitors forge ahead by adapting to the new world.

In my consulting work, I often see marketers and business owners who don’t believe these advancements are relevant to their marketing strategies. But this couldn’t be farther from the truth. New types of technology such as AI and machine learning are reshaping marketing.

While the technology is advancing rapidly, the basic concepts behind its applications remain unchanged. Everything is still …read more      

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How to Turn One Content Idea into a Fascinating Four-Part Series

By Stefanie Flaxman

Be careful what you wish for … Once you’ve persuaded people to keep reading your content, you have to keep…

The post How to Turn One Content Idea into a Fascinating Four-Part Series appeared first on Copyblogger.

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How to Convert Free Trial and Free Plan Users into Paying Customers

By Neil Patel


If your business relies on subscriptions to generate revenue, you probably offer a free trial to test your product before you ask your subscribers to pay.

This is a great strategy. People may be hesitant to pay for your subscription initially, but if they can try it first, it gives you an opportunity to win them over and turn them into paying customers.

Some of you may even offer free plans for certain services. The idea behind this strategy is that these people will eventually upgrade to paid plans.

But you can’t assume every free trial or free plan user will become a …read more      

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The Best Free Web Hosting

By Quicksprout Editorial

Some of the customizable templates available from Ucraft website builder.
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Free web hosting only makes sense for a pretty narrow scope of customers: those who have small websites without much content and very little traffic, and those who have temporary websites, like for an upcoming event. If that’s you:

Try a free website builder that hosts custom domains:

Or, check out our recommendations for no-cost hosts:

For pretty much everything else — …read more      

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