8 Ways to Use Online Discounts to Grow Sales

By Sean Jackson


Online discounts are powerful incentives to get people to buy — if you know the right ways to put them together.

Over the years, our marketing team at Rainmaker has experimented with numerous discount options. Some have been successful and others not so much.

And if you think “discounts” mean you have to cut your price, well think again. There are numerous ways to offer financial incentives to your online audience without having to cut into your profit margin.

In this episode, Sean Jackson and Jessica Frick review a number of discounting strategies you can use to increase online sales, including:

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10 Contact Page Techniques That Make People Get in Touch with You

By Neil Patel


Your website’s contact form may seem like the most mundane element of your site, but every marketer should pay attention to it.

In the past, I didn’t give contact forms much attention. It was a sub-secondary didn’t-care-about-it page when I had a lot more to worry about.

Then, I ran some tests on removing a single form field and found this one change boosted my conversions by 26%.

A 26% lift may not seem impressive to some, but from an annual perspective, that one change grew revenue well into six figures.

If you know anything about me, you know I’m obsessed with …read more      

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Content Marketers Share Their Secrets

By Pamela Wilson


Here’s the final excerpt from my new book, ‘Master Content Marketing.’ Read the other excerpts here and here.

‘Master Content Marketing’ is now available for pre-order wherever books are sold. When you order today and register for the free bonus materials, you’ll get an invite to my exclusive readers-only webinar, Scary Good Content Marketing Tips Direct from ‘Master Content Marketing.’ Place your pre-order now!

Back in early 2010, I didn’t consider myself a writer at all.

But I knew good writing when I read it. Masterful writers inspired me and made me want to improve my skills.

Today, I’m …read more      

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How to Become a World-Class Copywriter in One Month or Less

By Neil Patel


Want to know a little secret? It’s not something I’m super proud of…

In fact, most people have no idea whatsoever that I used to be a terrible copywriter. It took me years to learn the most basic fundamentals of writing.

And yet, here I am. I’ve been blogging for more than 10 years and have had the privilege to publish content on many great websites.

My businesses thrive on content marketing. Or more accurately, they were built with content marketing. So, obviously, content worked for me.

How? I got better. I learned how to write in a way that captivated my readers and …read more      

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The Two Sides of the Persuasion Coin

By Sonia Simone

copyblogger weekly

Remember the classic Saturday Night Live sketch?

Is it a dessert topping? Is it a floor wax? It’s both!

This week, we’ll look at two seemingly very different sides of the marketing and persuasion coin.

One side features traditional sales and marketing techniques; the other shows a more educational, audience-building angle — sometimes called a “soft” marketing approach.

They seem like opposites, but in fact, each side benefits and supports the other. Smart marketers will use both … hopefully with a little more grace than a combination dessert topping/floor wax.

Asking for what you want

One of the cornerstones of traditional sales and …read more      

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