The #1 Conversion Killer in Your Copy (and How to Beat It)

By Sonia Simone

easy ways to send the trolls away

What makes people almost buy?

What makes them get most of the way there and then drop out of your shopping cart at the last second?

What makes them stare at your landing page, wanting what you have to offer, and yet, ultimately, close the page and move on to something else?

It turns out there’s a hideous troll hiding under the bridge. Every time you get close to making a sale, the troll springs out and scares your prospect away. Get rid of the troll and your copy will start converting better than it ever has before.

The ugly, …read more      

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A Champion of Creative Play

By Pamela Wilson

hero's journey - an advocate for creative expression

Life was simple when we were seven, wasn’t it?

A puddle and some pebbles, crayons and paper, a piece of chalk and a sidewalk — that’s all we needed to keep us happy and amused for hours.

But somewhere along the way, most of us lose this sense of joy in simple creative pleasures.

Today, you’ll learn about Melissa Dinwiddie’s quest to bring creativity back into your daily life.

Melissa’s story is this month’s Hero’s Journey feature. We’re tapping the collective wisdom of our community members to bring you reports from the front lines of the content marketing world. <a class="colorbox" title="Hero's Journey posts" href="" …read more      

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The 8 Most Important Skills for Content Promotion (and How to Learn Them)

By Neil Patel


The bar has been raised.

Creating great content isn’t enough anymore if you want your content marketing to be successful.

Today, you need to not only create that content but also promote it.

Many marketers have started to wake up to this fact, which is a good thing.

However, just because they recognize that promotion is important doesn’t mean they know how to do it effectively.

In my experience, only a small percentage of marketers possess the skills that make them effective promoters as well.

The big problem is that if you don’t have these skills, you’ll struggle to learn how to promote effectively.

The …read more      

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6 Ways to Make Your Posts More Actionable

By Neil Patel


Do you ever feel that your content just isn’t reaching your audience as well as you’d like it to?

…and that even though you’ve created something of value, it doesn’t seem like anyone’s actually taking your advice and implementing it?

I’ll let you in on a secret…

Almost every content marketer has felt this way at one point or another.

It’s difficult to create content that resonates with your readers, but it’s even more difficult to create content that inspires action.

And not for the reason you think.

Yes, people are lazy. Not all, but I’d say it’s fair to call most readers in a typical …read more      

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3 Resources to Help Your Content-Driven Website Flourish

By Stefanie Flaxman

how digital marketing grows your business

Although it’s only January, I refer to this time of the year as “pre-pre-spring” (in the Northern Hemisphere). Call me optimistic.

The gingerbread, cinnamon, and pine aromas of the holidays have certainly faded, but the sweet smell of flowers blooming and warm breezes haven’t quite arrived yet.

Still, it feels like the seasons are shifting and we’re moving toward a new beginning.

And we don’t have to impatiently wait for this change to occur — a powerful, content-driven website works for your business any time of the year. You can start building or expanding yours today.

This week’s Copyblogger Collection is a …read more      

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