That Was Then, This Is Now: Welcome to the New Copyblogger Website

By Pamela Wilson

Image of fireworks - welcome to the new copyblogger


Things may look a little different since the last time you stopped by our place.

We’ve been working as a team to build a new home for our Copyblogger content since last year.

Today is open house day, so come on in and I’ll give you a tour.

Why did we redesign Copyblogger?

I’ll be the first to admit it: redesigning Copyblogger was a little like turning in your perfectly good late-model car, which is in excellent condition (and getting great mileage), for something new, because it’s … shinier?

In other words, why redesign a site that already looked great?

In our case, our …read more      

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The $100,000 Challenge: December Update

By Neil Patel

december traffic

We just wrapped up our ninth month of the $100,000 challenge. December was a decent month, considering that the holidays slowed down our sales and traffic.

In the month of December, traffic grew to 69,813 visitors. That’s not too shabby, taking into account that a large part of December was slow due to the holiday. The overall traffic grew by 19.8% over the previous month.

As for revenue, sales in December hit $22,702 dollars. The real number, however, is actually lower than that, which I will go into in a bit. But first, let’s discuss the traffic and what’s coming up. …read more      

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3 Resources to Help You Choose the Right Words for Your Content

By Stefanie Flaxman

copyblogger collection - handpick the best words for your content

Taste the tomato.

The first week of the year can stir up a lot of energy, excitement — and anxiety.

The other day, while hurriedly shoving forkfuls of a salad into my mouth (I needed to get back to work), my taste buds suddenly lit up due to a bite-size piece of tomato. It was fresh and delicious.

I decided to slow down and enjoy my food. Eating was the only task I needed to focus on at that moment.

When you approach your content marketing duties, your only job is to focus on executing your current task as best as you …read more      

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5 Ways to Get More Traffic with Content Marketing

By Sonia Simone

using content to drive traffic

It’s the question I get asked more often than any other when I’m talking with business owners about content marketing strategy.

And it’s the question we see most often from new members in our Authority Q&A sessions.

“How do I get more traffic?”

There’s more — a lot more — to content marketing than traffic.

But if you can’t attract a critical “minimum viable audience,” you’re finished before you get started.

Here’s how to use content to get the attention of those all-important prospects — the men and women who are in the market to buy what you have to sell.

The …read more      

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5 Strategies for Building a Bigger Network on LinkedIn

By Neil Patel


When it comes to social media marketing, you have a lot of different options.

Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn…

And the list goes on.

Despite being not quite as big as Facebook, LinkedIn is often a better choice for businesses.

It provides you with an opportunity to connect with professionals and engage with them on a personal level.

Here’s something I bet you didn’t know:

Over 80% of B2B leads generated from social media come from LinkedIn.

That’s pretty incredible.

Although there may be less traffic on LinkedIn, its users are much more open to learning about products than Facebook users are, who just want to see …read more      

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