3 Adaptive Content Resources for Advanced Marketers

By Stefanie Flaxman

How to enhance your content results

Let’s say you own a yoga studio in a town of yoga enthusiasts. It’s called Om Depot.

You currently offer an equal number of Level 1, 2, and 3 classes every day.

Monday through Thursday, your Level 2 and 3 classes sell out and you have to turn people away, but your Level 1 classes only have a few students.

On Fridays, however, a yoga group for beginners visits your studio. Your Level 1 classes sell out and you have to turn people away, but there is plenty of space in your Level 2 and 3 classes because advanced students take private classes …read more      

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A Practical Approach to Using Powerful Cornerstone Content on Your Site

By Pamela Wilson

build your website's content marketing cornerstone

We’ve been talking about cornerstone content a lot lately.

Not sure what cornerstone content is? Here’s a quick explanation:

Website owners use cornerstone content to answer the fundamental questions their newest prospects have. Cornerstone pages are informative, instructive, and they help your prospects understand the foundational information needed to interact with your business.

Cornerstone content pages answer those cocktail party questions. You know the ones I mean, right?

They’re those questions you get asked at a cocktail party right after you tell someone what you do:

  • How does [your business] apply to me?
  • Why did you get into [your business]? What motivates you?
  • How can …read more      
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7 Ways to Find Better Content Ideas

By Neil Patel


The simplest things are often the most difficult.

How hard should it be to come up with a single content idea?

Considering it’s a few words, you’d think it would only take a few seconds.

You and I both know that there’s a lot more that goes into a good content idea than the first few words that come to mind.

As content marketing becomes more popular and properly utilized, marketers will be producing more and more content.

Currently, 91% of B2B marketers have started using content marketing. In addition, 77% of marketers plan to increase their content production …read more      

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Last Chance to Get Started with the Rainmaker Platform for Less

By Brian Clark

Last chance to get Rainmaker Standard

You’ve heard the story by now … our company (now known as Rainmaker Digital) was formed five years ago to create the Rainmaker Platform.

When we launched the Platform just over a year ago, it debuted as a powerful way to build a sophisticated website without code or development expense. It also took the pain of updating, securing, and maintaining WordPress and various plugins off of your plate.

Earlier this year in March, we introduced Rainmaker Pro, which includes marketing automation and a learning management system. As we head into 2016, we’re also adding integrated email into Rainmaker …read more      

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13 Tantalizing Incentives that Will Build Your Email List

By Beth Hayden

irresistible gifts to encourage visitors to join your list

Need a quick way to entice someone to join your email list or register for your website? Give away something for free.

By giving away something site visitors can download or access instantly, you can break through your readers’ hesitations about handing over their email addresses. And you earn their trust by giving them something useful immediately .

Some call it a “bribe,” some call it an “incentive,” and some call it a “freebie.” Whatever you call it, this technique can bring in big results as a list-building strategy.

But finding the right incentive for your audience — something that really makes …read more      

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