How to Determine the Lifetime Value of Your Idea (Before You Start)

By Rainmaker.FM


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is an App Store Optimization specialist, hustler, entrepreneur, idea machine, and a very good friend of host Jon Nastor.

When Jon met today’s guest, he had a team developing more than 30 apps per month — but he will tell you that he is not an app developer; in fact, he couldn’t care less about apps.

He looks at an app and doesn’t see a coding challenge or an opportunity for creativity; he sees a revenue stream.

Today’s guest has an uncanny ability to see business ideas, unlike anyone Jon has ever known. He is a modern-day …read more      

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7 Commandments of Professionalism for Content Marketers

By Rainmaker.FM


Content marketing can be a powerful way to increase your influence and authority. And, as always, along with power comes responsibility.

As writers and content creators, Sonia Simone would argue that we can and should make the world — and the web — a better place.

Assuming you have the major stuff covered (you’re not killing people, bullying, embezzling funds, etc.), here are Sonia’s thoughts on seven “commandments” for our tribe.

If you have your own thoughts on “commandments” or ethical best practices, Sonia would love it if you’d share them in the comments on Rainmaker.FM!

In this 20-minute episode of Confessions …read more      

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5 Legal Must-Haves for Your Website

By Rachel Rodgers

get your site's legal house in order

Most of your customers don’t walk around handing out their credit card information and home addresses to shady characters on the street.

In fact, most people these days wouldn’t even give their email addresses to those they don’t really know. Ditto on the Internet.

Before people will spend money, post comments, opt in to your mailing list, or take any action you want them to do when they arrive at your website, they need to feel safe.

Safety leads to trust, trust to loyalty, loyalty to purchases and shares.

Having the right legal language can get you to …read more      

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Brian Clark on the Power of Content Marketing

By Rainmaker.FM


If you’re a fan of one or more of our shows (or products), you can now follow the hosts, writers, and developers of Rainmaker Digital as they travel further out onto the Internet to be interviewed by other smart people.

Tune in as Brian Clark sits down with Zac Johnson to chat about creating powerful content that resonates with an audience.

In this 39-minute episode, Brian Clark and Zac Johnson discuss:

  • Brian’s total lack of interest in working 9-5
  • Using online marketing to build offline business
  • The creation of Copyblogger and how it grew over time
  • Solving problems and creating businesses along the way
  • The …read more      
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The Quick-Start Guide to Finally Getting Started with Your First Virtual Assistant

By Rainmaker.FM


In this episode of Youpreneur.FM, host Chris Ducker talks about Delegation 101 and dives into his top 10 tips for outsourcing, virtual assistants, and working with virtual teams.

As entrepreneurs and business owners, our most precious resource is time. And the only way to leverage your time is to hire staff … particularly virtual staff. On episode 127 of Youpreneur.FM, Chris breaks down his top 10 tips on the basics of hiring and working with virtual assistants.

Chris literally wrote the book on this subject – Virtual Freedom – and today’s show is like an introduction to that book. It’s a simple …read more      

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