How to Find Your Unfair Advantage with Derek Sivers

By Rainmaker.FM


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is a musician, programmer, writer, speaker, introvert, and entrepreneur.

He started out as a professional musician. Then he wanted a way to sell his own CDs on the Internet, but the means to do this didn’t exist at the time. So his entrepreneurial spirit took over and he decided to create a website to sell his own music and his friends’ music — soon his friends’ friends were interested, and CD Baby was born.

CD Baby went on to become the largest online seller of independent music and created $100 million in sales for 150,000 musicians. …read more      

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6 Steps to Creating a Successful Social Media Strategy for ANY Network

By Neil Patel


Fact: social media sites drive over 31% of all referral traffic on the Internet.

That is a huge amount.

It’s on a similar level with search referral traffic:

So, if you pay attention to SEO, doesn’t it make sense to pay the same attention to social media as well?

You might have already known that.

But where should you focus your attention? That’s the big question.

People use the same two or three search engines for all of their needs, but they use different social networks to cover different aspects of their lives.

The same person may use LinkedIn for …read more      

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4 Ways to Turn a Mature Membership Site into a Treasured Resource Your Members Will Love

By Debbie Hodge

organize member materials to make them easy to use

As your membership site matures, its library of resources grows — and even balloons.

Tired and proud, you look through your catalog of lessons, ebooks, slide decks, swipe files, worksheets, audio, and video. You think of all the years you’ve kept your head down and done the work.

Now, with this big, evergreen content library, you plan to sell even more memberships than you have in the past.

That’s what I expected to happen with my membership site.

Then, with almost six years of content created, I hit a major downturn I didn’t foresee: for every new member who joined, a renewing …read more      

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How Michelle Miller (Writer and Producer of ‘The Underwriting’) Writes: Part One

By Rainmaker.FM


From wildly successful transmedia serial writer to internationally published author, this week’s guest on The Writer Files — Michelle Miller — has tapped into her former life in high finance to create a hit franchise in The Underwriting.

Billed as social satire, Ms. Miller’s original 12-part serial drew angel investors that helped her build it into a viral, multimedia maelstrom.

Her marriage of the cutthroat worlds of both investment banking and tech landed her a traditional publishing deal, and her debut novel is now being developed into a television series.

Tune in to this two-part interview.

In Part One of the file, host Kelton …read more      

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How to Use Envy (Ethically) in Your Sales Copy

By Rainmaker.FM


Using envy is a powerful copywriting technique to help your customer find the motivation to accept your offer. But some marketers have overused and abused this approach (pictures of ridiculous speedboats, anyone?)

Don’t be put off, not only can you use envy to make your copy more persuasive, you owe it to your customer to do so.

This week’s Dear Amy letter on Hit Publish comes from a conflicted business owner who wants to know whether it is ethical to use envy to encourage a customer to make a purchase, and if so, how it should be done.

Envy is a …read more      

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