Are Podcasters Digitally Sharecropping Without Realizing It?

By Rainmaker.FM


The extreme emphasis on iTunes as the most important distribution channel for podcasts means that some podcasters are inadvertently becoming digital sharecroppers.

Find out more on this new episode of The Lede …

Over about 30 minutes, Jerod Morris and Demian Farnworth discuss the following:

  • The big mistake many podcasters are making
  • A reminder about the importance of building and owning your own platform
  • How iTunes is like Google (and should be treated as such)
  • The importance of headlines for podcast episodes (and how to create podcast headlines that drive listens)
  • Is there any benefit to numbering podcast episodes?
  • The importance of having a big idea
  • How to use …read more      
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Call to Action: The Awesome Power of Asking for What You Want

By Rainmaker.FM


In business and in life, there’s a magical way to get more of what you want, more of what you need, and more of what you desire.

And that “magical” technique is simply to ask for it — but that might not be as simple as it seems.

Because first, you’ve got to get clear on what it is you’re looking for.

In this 19-minute episode of Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer, host Sonia Simone talks about:

  • The easiest copywriting “trick” she knows
  • The persuasion step after you’ve built “know, like, and trust”
  • What the smartest voices in the nonprofit world can teach us …read more      
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6 Ways to Become a Completely Original Writer

By Rainmaker.FM


Let’s admit it: in a world where blogs and blog posts proliferate, it’s hard to be original.

But it’s not impossible … as long as you’re willing to do a little work.

So what can you, as a web writer or blogger, do to write a post that stands out? That’s original? And will be shared broadly?

Here are six techniques to try.

In this 10-minute episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover:

  • How to identify that never-before explored topic or specific angle on a subject
  • Why you should never do this with a topic (or your analysis could be flat-out wrong)
  • The tactic …read more      
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9 Formatting Tactics That Will Double Your Readers’ Average Time on Page

By Neil Patel


I’ve been through it all. From publishing posts that no one reads to posts that get thousands of views and hundreds of comments within a day.

Putting in time and effort into writing a post and then getting an average time on page of 10 seconds sucks.

When I write a post, I want readers to take 10, 20, or even 30 minutes out of their days to read it word by word. I know that not all readers will do that, but if a decent chunk of them do, I’m thrilled.

On a typical blog, only about …read more      

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Introducing Unemployable: Smart Strategies for Ambitious Freelancers and Solopreneurs

By Brian Clark


Last year, I did a cool exercise. The idea was to identify the one word that represents your life philosophy. The word I ended up with was further, which some of you know is now the title of a personal development newsletter I write.

But before I ended up there, the word that came immediately to mind (and prompted laughter from everyone in the room) was unemployable. I’ve been referring to myself as “unemployable” for many years, and it’s a common joke among entrepreneurs and freelancers.

For me, I’m not sure I’m joking at all.

After 17 years and nine …read more      

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