How to Use LinkedIn to Drive Leads and Make Sales

By Rainmaker.FM


Sales prospecting can be a challenge. But luckily, LinkedIn makes it easy — if you’re smart about how to use it.

Eve Mayer (a.k.a. @LinkedInQueen) is one of the most influential women in social media according to Forbes & CNN, and in this episode of The Missing Link, she shares her insights into how to use LinkedIn for sales leads.

If you have ever been in sales, you know how frustrating it can be to find qualified leads. And while LinkedIn makes sales prospecting easier, if you are not careful you can easily ruin your opportunities.

In …read more      

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Q&A: Duplicate Content Worries, and Other Questions from the Audience

By Rainmaker.FM


What’s the best thing to do about Google’s “duplicate content” penalty on our sites, especially for sales pages?

How do you stand out with a general advice site?

And where should we start with a brand-new content site, when we’re not sure what kind of authoritative content to create?

These were three great questions from our wonderful audience — answered in today’s podcast.

In this 19-minute episode of Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer, host Sonia Simone takes questions about:

  • What to do about duplicate content, especially for sales pages
  • What to do about (ugh) scrapers
  • How …read more      
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How to Sweep Away Skepticism with a Dramatic Demonstration

By Rainmaker.FM


If you want people to believe in something that’s true-but-hard-to-believe, you simply demonstrate that your product does what you say it does. Show them how it works.

Here’s one famous example …

The history of the elevator is long and rich. But the first elevators weren’t installed until the mid-18th century.

While these elevators were convenient, there was just one potentially fatal problem. If the lift cable broke, the cab dropped — wounding or killing everyone inside.

One enterprising type, a man by the name of Elisha Otis, decided it was time to change that. So, in 1852, …read more      

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Guest-Posting on Steroids: A 4-Step Blueprint That the Top Guest Posters Use

By Neil Patel

guest posting

I’ve seen many try and many fail.

Yet time and time again, others (including myself) get wild results from the same tactic.

We’re talking about guest posts, of course.

You’ve, no doubt, read that guest-posting is a tactic that can send you traffic, improve your search engine rankings, and establish you as an authority in your niche.

But most who try guest-posting for any (or all) of those reasons never see any real success. At best, they see a trickle of traffic and deem guest-posting worthless.

You’re on the right track but are missing a few key principles of effective modern guest-posting. But don’t worry, …read more      

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How to Use LinkedIn to Build (and Grow) Your Online Business

By Sean Jackson

Listen and learn - How to use LinkedIn

It’s easy to think of LinkedIn as merely a fancy job board masquerading as a social network.

Kind of like that old uncle that shows up to the family picnic dressed in a three-piece suit.

Sure, you might be thinking, it has a role in the content marketing family, but it’s kind of boring and — from its appearance — not too cool, right?


If you think LinkedIn is just a quick way to recruit talent, or maybe just an expensive way to do B2B marketing, then I have news for you: it has …read more      

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