The Coffee Shop Is Sexier than The Bar

By Stefanie Flaxman

The coffee shop is your answer to a power outage in your home. The bar is your existential crisis. The bar is trite debauchery. The coffee shop is a romantic partnership between your active mind and your aromatic beverage. Parsing your thoughts and indulging in every sip. The bar is where you temporarily stop apologizing
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How to Segment Your Target Audience with Generational Marketing

By Neil Patel

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It’s no secret that people from different generations have different values, mindsets, and behaviors. As a business, you’ve to use this concept to your advantage.

All too often I see companies that launch a broad stroke marketing campaign in an attempt to reach as many customers as possible.

While I commend the approach and thought process, it’s an ineffective strategy.

It’s much more effective to segment your marketing campaigns based on different generations. Don’t try to reach Millennials and Baby Boomers with the same advertisement.

Rather than speaking to both of these generations, you’re campaign will end up being a complete miss.

I created this …read more      

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It’s ‘Light the Fire’ Week on Copyblogger

By Sonia Simone

We all have those times when we’re sort of coasting … gently floating along, letting things happen the way they will. But that time is not today. 🙂 This week, we’re fired up and ready to help you get (safely, sanely) out of your comfort zone and into some serious progress. On Monday, Stefanie Flaxman
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How to Optimize Your Mobile Website for Google Searches

By Neil Patel

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It’s no secret we’re living in a mobile world. I’m hoping that by now, most of you have recognized this and adapted accordingly.

While having a mobile-friendly website is a great start, it’s not enough to drive traffic to your site. You also need to make sure your mobile website is optimized for Google searches.

More than half of people don’t look beyond the first page of a Google search. If your mobile site isn’t in the top few spots, people will find alternative pages to click.

Roughly 60% of searches come from mobile devices.

As you can …read more      

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What’s Really Broken in the ‘Content Marketing Playbook’

By Sonia Simone

Sometimes it bums me out that we’ve become a culture of contrarians. Whether it’s Black Panther, 3D printing, or strawberry ice cream, there’s nothing so excellent that someone on the internet won’t tell you why you’re wrong for liking it. So sometimes it’s easy to miss the signals when a genuine problem does develop. And
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