Do Content Writers Really Need to Think about SEO?

By Sonia Simone

In my experience, creative writing pros have an endless appetite for writing advice. How to add more color and texture to your writing, storytelling techniques, endless discussions about the serial comma and finer points of usage. Elements like copywriting and conversion strategy? That tends to start to divide people up. Some writers want to pick
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How to Write a Killer Book Introduction

By Kelly Exeter

It might be a short ebook you intend to give away to blog subscribers. Or you might be trying to pen a New York Times bestseller. Either way, I think I know which bit of your book is causing you problems. The introduction. It’s the biggest hurdle for most of the writers I work with.
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How to Write a Business Plan for Your Startup

By Neil Patel

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Anyone can have a great idea. But turning an idea into a viable business is a different ballgame.

You may think you’re ready to launch a startup company. That’s great news, and you should be excited about it.

Take it from me: as someone who has founded several startup companies, I know what it takes to be successful in this space.

Before you start seeking legal advice, renting office space, or forming an LLC, you need to put your thoughts on paper. This will help you stay organized and focused.

You’ll also be able to share this plan with others to …read more      

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What Happens When Your Humanity Befriends Your Knowledge

By Stefanie Flaxman

Like. It’s easy to overlook that one, right? When it comes to the know, like, and trust factor that creates an effective sales environment, know and trust get a lot of attention. Like almost becomes a part of know and forgotten. Similar to that seventh dwarf whose name always slips your mind. (I’m looking at
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15 Ways to Use Snapchat for Your Business

By Neil Patel

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The days of Snapchat being used solely for sending pictures between friends are over.

This social media platform has evolved. Your company can’t afford to ignore the impact that this marketing channel can have on your business.

It’s an absolute necessity if you’re focusing on Generation Z as your target market. That’s because 71% of Gen Z use Snapchat as part of their daily routine. Plus, 51% of this group use Snapchat roughly 11 times each day.

While Snapchat definitely has a reputation for being used by teens, their market penetration is starting to …read more      

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