10 Steps a Local Business Can Take Today to Improve Search Rankings

By Eugen Oprea

Would you like to get more customers for your brick-and-mortar business?

That’s a rhetorical question. If you have a brick-and-mortar business, of course you want more customers.

Running a business …read more    

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How to Recover From Negative SEO

By Neil Patel

dark side seo

Did you know that your competitors could hurt your search engines rankings? By doing malicious things in order to decrease your search engine rankings?

This is called negative SEO.

Before we go into how to deal with negative SEO, let’s go over a few ways it can happen to your business.

  • Malicious attacks on your site – this is when someone hacks into your site, modifies your robots.txt file and blocks Google, or injects spammy content and links into your web pages.
  • Building bad links – this is when someone builds bad links to your website. For example, if your competitor paid thousands …read more    
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6 Tactics That Turn a Blog Into a Business Engine

By Stanford Smith

Somewhere, a business owner is writing a blog post.

She writes the headline first, pens a killer introduction, and makes her point with 892 carefully crafted words.

Satisfied, she hits “Publish” and waits for fortune to …read more    

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How Typography Affects Conversions

By Neil Patel

When you think about conversion optimization, what comes to mind? Testing colors, call-to-action buttons, headlines, and other elements including text, right?

Although those elements do affect conversions, what about other design aspects such as typography?

I know what you are thinking. How the heck does typography affect conversions? Well, certain font types will affect people’s decisions in different ways. For example, if you are trying to get your users to agree with a passage, they are more likely to do so if you use the font type Baskerville.

If you are worried about readability, you may not know that data shows Tahoma is …read more    

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How to Create Exquisite Subheads

By Jerod Morris


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you know all that work you do to drive people to your blog posts?

All the content optimization (don’t you say SEO!), all the agonizing over your headline, even the nitty-gritty of your word choice and sentence crafting?

Yeah, well, most people aren’t going to read those words and sentences.

Certainly they’re <a class="colorbox" href="http://feeds.copyblogger.com/~/t/0/0/copyblogger/~www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2013/06/how_people_read_online_why_you_won_t_finish_this_article.html" …read more    

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