Category: Featured

The Beginner’s Guide to Optimizing for Bing Search

By Neil Patel


On the surface, it doesn’t appear Bing gets much search traffic, but when you consider it also powers Yahoo, you start realizing that perhaps optimizing for Bing isn’t such a bad idea.

Here’s what Bing and Yahoo’s search traffic looks like compared to Google’s:

Although even combined, they still represent a fraction of Google’s search traffic, that’s still a large audience that should be catered to.

Optimizing for Bing differs a little bit from optimizing for Google. The companies use different proprietary algorithms to produce results, and each weighs various factors differently.

Because Google is the largest search engine on the planet, …read more      

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4 Creative (and Aboveboard) Ways to Improve Your Search Engine Rankings

By Beth Hayden

help readers find your content

Promoting your content has clear short-term benefits — like attracting new readers, social shares, and comments.

But did you know it’s also a critical part of your search engine optimization strategy?

Even the best on-page SEO efforts don’t work as well if no one links to your site, so one of your biggest jobs is spreading the word out about your content.

Think of it this way:

You’ve got to attract incoming links to rank well in search engines, and no one is going to link to you if they don’t know you exist.

In this post, we’ll talk …read more      

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What a Cognitive Bias Is, And How to Use It for Digital Marketing Mastery

By Neil Patel


As humans, we like to think of ourselves as objective, logical, and unbiased when it comes to our thinking and decision-making abilities.

As if nothing could cloud our thoughts or persuade us to think illogically.

But that’s not how things are.

In fact, at times, we’re quite irrational and heavily influenced by people as well as a host of other variables.

Many of our choices and actions are ultimately controlled by what’s known as cognitive biases.

What’s a cognitive bias?

Chegg Study nailed it pretty well with their definition:

“A cognitive bias is a mistake in reasoning, evaluating, remembering, or other cognitive process, often occurring as …read more      

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Copyblogger’s Holiday Buffet Edition

By Sonia Simone

Copyblogger's Holiday Buffet Edition

You know how holiday buffets are … you take a little bit of cheese, and then another kind of cheese, and then four more kinds of cheese, then squeeze six desserts onto the plate, and finally you take a tiny square of Jell-O because it’s basically a vegetable?

No? Just me?

ANYWAY. This week we have a little buffet assortment for you … without the Jell-O vegetables.

On Monday, Sean Jackson and Jessica Frick were nice enough to host me on the Members Only podcast, where we talked about the days when I launched my first membership community. We laughed …read more      

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Blogging is Back, with Darren Rowse

By Brian Clark


In the beginning, there was blogging. And for businesses looking to build an audience that helped grow the bottom line, it was good.

In fact, many of the leaders in the digital marketing space started as blogs and evolved into multi-million dollar businesses. I personally have immense gratitude for what Rainmaker Digital has been able to achieve, and it all traces back to the early Copyblogger audience.

Then, around 2008, “business blogging” gave way to the term “content marketing.” Eight years later, as we wind up 2016, we’re drowning in content, and there’s no mistaking that much of it is just poorly …read more      

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